Just you (smut) (Cas x reader)

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Will be Smut (it's more live making than anything) if you don't like don't read!

"Dean I cant stay and you know that." I overheard Cas say to Dean in the library. What does he mean can't stay?

"Come on man you can't leave her! You think just cause your human that changes things?!" Dean said getting angry. Frankly I was too. Without hearing his answer I stormed into the library.

Cas was my boyfriend going on four years now. He used to be an angel but now he's been turned human. He's still adjusting to being human. And having to eat food and drink water and well urinate. It made me giggle when he complained about urination.

Usually thinking about it does as well but not this time. No, this time I couldn't help but have my heart break as I saw part of his face. He had a deep frown on his lips. I wanted nothing more than to pull him into a hug.

"Cassie Bear?" I asked tentatively as I approached him slowly. I thought maybe the nickname I gave him long ago would make him smile a little bit, instead I saw his body go rigid and he turned fully towards me. I now could fully see him and I saw he had bags under his eyes which where rimmed red, The tear stains on his cheeks, and his hair was disheveled and his tie barely tied.

I stopped instantly at his posture. He never went so rigid it's like... like when he's in "solider mode" like when he first came down to earth still fighting for heaven.

"What- where- I-" I stopped. What was I suppose to ask? 'Why are you leaving me? Where are you going?' What was I suppose to say?! Dean walked out of the room leaving only me and Cas. 

"I'm leaving Y/n." He said simply with almost no emotion. Before I could say anything he continued. "I'm leaving and your... your not coming with me and you won't come looking for me." He said gruffly.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces and the fact it was still beating made it feel like all those pieces where stabbing me again and again.

"Why? What- what did I do wrong? Do you-" my voice broke "do you not love me?" I asked in a whisper. I feared the answer, what if I wasn't good enough anymore.

"I will always love you." He said in a gentler voice and my head snapped in his direction. "But- But I am broken
y/n. I am not what you deserve nor what you want. You wanted me as Castile angel of the lord. Not Cas the mere human." He said I could tell he was holding back tears.

"That's not true Cas!" I said quickly. Before I could continue he cut me off.

"Yes it is y/n! You loved me when I was whole not now that I am a broken man! I don't have anything! Not my wings, not my grace, not my powers! I. Have. Nothing!" He said raising his voice.

I took a step back. Cas rarely raises his voice and he never did towards me. I was panicking. He was really gonna leave me!

"But I love you Cas!" I said letting my panic come out into my words. He scoffed. That set me over the edge. "And you know what?! It was never about that anyways! That's never why I wanted to be with you! I wanted to be with you because I love you! I love you! Not your grace not your wings just you! I've loved you since the moment I met you! But apparently- apparently you don't love me because you don't even know me at all." He looked at me a way I couldn't read.

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