Y/N, Y/L/N?! Part two (sam x reader)

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Sam sat me back down on the ground and then we heard dean yell into the garage

"Be safe you two! I'll see you when you get home! Love you guys!" One wouldn't think Dean Winchester would say I love you in any form but ever since he almost lost Sam a while back he's always said it. Every night and every time one of us leaves. Even to me!

I technically said it first, it just kinda slipped out but he didn't make fun of me or anything like that. He just grinned and said it right back and went on with whatever it was he was doing.

"Love you too" me and Sam both replied in unison.

Me and Sam got into baby Dean precious 1967 Chevy Impala (which I absolutely love!) and drove off.

After a while of me and Sam sitting there talking I decided I would get more comfortable so I took off my shoes and laid my feet onto sams lap.

"Is this ok Sammy? Does it bother you?" I asked more shy sounding than I care to admit. "Your fine y/n/n." Then Sam places his right hand on my leg and continued driving. Me and Sam talked about anything and everything. All the while he was just rubbing up and down my leg. Drawing patterns on my shin. It felt like hours passed when really it had only been maybe an hour and a half tops.

I knew better than to ask where we were going considering I knew he would never tell. Then Sam spoke as if reading my mind "Don't worry we'll be there soon, actually in about five minutes!"

I was very anxious to see where we could be going. Than Sam pulled up to a.... CARNIVAL!! Yes! I love the carnival! All the rides and concession stands and the games!! Oooooo this is gonna be fun!

"A CARNIVAL! I love the carnival! Bobby used to take me when I was a kid! Oh thank you thank you thank you, Sammy!" Sam was now grinning widely, proud that I was happy with what he chose.

We got out of baby and I grabbed his hand and began running to the ticket booth. "Sammy can we plllllllease get wrist bands?!" He just chuckled and handed the man the money for wrist bands.

I giggled with delight as Sam put mine on me and I put his on him. Than I once again grabbed his hand and pulled him to the rides. First we went on the hurricane, the tea cups, the swings, very other ride I could think of. Than before we went on the Ferris wheel I decided we needed to get some snacks.

"Saaaaaaammmmmmyyyyyy....." he laughed at my whining "Yes princess" I blushed than smiled wider "can we get snacks..... plllllllllleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee"
He laughed again and than grinned at me from ear to ear "of course we can darling." He squeezed my hand and then we went off to go get food.

I ended up getting cotton candy and Sam got a corn dog and pop corn. We ended up sharing everything anyways.

Than we headed over to the Ferris wheel still hand and hand. Once we got on we just sat and stared at the view. Than of course..... we got stopped..... at the top. Oh lord, ok I'm not deathly afraid of heights or anything but I defiantly don't like being stopped at a very tall Ferris wheels top.

Sam seemed to notice me tense up so he squeezed my hand silently asking for me to look at him. And I did.... reluctantly. "Y/N/N what's wrong?" I didn't answer. "Are you scared of heights?" I nodded and looked down embarrassed and ashamed I was a hunter for crying out loud! This shouldn't scare me! "Hey.... look at me." Sam turned my head so I was looking at him and put his hand on the side of my face. I leaned into the touch "Everyone's afraid of something.... it's ok." I looked at his eyes. Admiring the way it almost looked like there was a sunflower in them. "Your not afraid of anything." He chuckled and shook his head "Yes I am. I'm afraid of clowns. Can't stand to be even in the same room as them. Almost shot one once just cause I didn't like the way it was looking at me." I giggled and he smiled "see everyone's afraid of something. And you.... well you're badass your the one who suggested we do this. So
Honestly your braver than me." Sam smiled than pulled me into his side. And pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing Sammy?" I asked genuinely not knowing. He smiled at me and simply stated "I'm taking a picture of us.... okay maybe more than one." We took I think a total of ten photos.
One we looked like we where screaming.
Two we just smiled.
Three we stuck our tongues out.
Fourth I winked at the camera while giving a flirtatious smile and he just smiled.
Fifth we looked at each other shocked.
Sixth I squinted my eyes while smiling and Sam without me knowing just looked at me and smiled. He was looking at me admiring how playful I could be.
Seventh I decided to hug Sam and thank him so he also took a picture with my face buried in the crook of his neck.
Eighth Sam decided he would be serious and I used my fingers to try and pull the corners of his mouth up and make him smile.
Ninth he turned the camera around and took a picture of our entertainer fingers and our feet also capturing the sunset and the view. (kinda like the picture at the top. (I actually took that at a carnival that's me and my sisters feet though lol))
Tenth the camera was back on us and I decided what the hell and kissed him on the cheek. In the picture he was blushing like mad and I was also a good color of scarlet on my cheeks but none the less he smiled.

After that the Ferris wheel started moving again and we decided we would leave.

While me and Sam where talking I decided to interrupt myself and ask "Hey Sammy..... can I have a piggy back ride??? Please" I did my best puppy dog eyes I could and Sam just laughed.

"You don't have to do puppy gig eyes on me honey. I would have done it anyways." I giggled happily as I jumped onto his back and put my arms around his neck. "Thank you Sammy" once again I kissed his cheek and then buried my face into the crook of his neck. We got in the car and once again resumed our position where my feet where on his lap and we began talking.

After a while silence filled the car so I decided I would play some music. "Hey Sammy, can I borrow your I pod I wanna put on some music." He smiled and then opened the glove box and his I pod was in there. "Thanks Sammy!" I put on a playlist we had found on Apple Music "100 most uplifting songs" the first song that came on was "We Are Young by Fun." (song at the top) I began singing and dancing like a crazy person all while Sam just laughed and sang along with me. Then I took sams phone and found all the pictures and sent them to dean in a group chat.

You (on sams phone): Hey
Dean-o. We miss you tons! I know you like pictures so here you go! (P.S. this is y/n/n.) anyways text you when we get to our motel. Love you😘😘

Dean: Hey y/n/n! Looks like you love birds are having fun lol. You don't have to keep checking in if you don't want to. I'll call and check up on you tomorrow! But do keep sending photos! I'm sticking you up to that!! Love you both have fun kiddo😘🤪

I already knew that this was gonna be the best vacation ever. Even if dean couldn't come along.

I just can't wait to see what else Sam has planned! Then Sam saw I had his phone "Hey what are you doing on there?" I smiled "Just sending dean the photos on our new group chat nice background by the way." I giggled and he blushed. Sams lock screen was a picture of me, him, dean, Cas, Bobby, ellen, and jo we had taken about a month ago but that's not the one I was talking about. I was talking about the picture of me and him. I was on sams shoulders and we where big in swim suits at a lake me him and dean had found on a hunt.

He blushed and sorta stuttered out "w-which o-one?" I smiled and said "the one of me and you silly! Do you kind of I send myself all the pictures I like from your phone to myself? You can do the same thing on mine if you'd like." Sam just smiled at me and said "Sure thing sweet heart. But I will hole up to the whole 'letting me do the same thing' thing." And so I did I pulled all the photo of all of us I could (us as in me, Sam, Dean, bobby, Cas, Gabe, Charlie, Kevin, Ellen, Jo.) wether it was just one of us in there or more than one.

"Ok sweet heart we're here!" I looked up and saw we were at a.... hotel?! I looked at him shocked and he just smiled. "A hotel?! Really?! Your not just messing with me are you??!" Sam shook his head and smiled wider "come on let's go check in!"


Sorry y'all but this is now gonna continue in the book! Hope you like and wanna keep reading!

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