Worthless (dean x reader)

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It was just a regular day I was working my half time job at the bar when I see a man walk into the bar. Instantly I recognize him, Dean Winchester. He just looks.... different.

He walked up to the bar and sat down. "You y/n?" He asked. Damn that voice. Takes me back to..... no! Stop it!

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I asked shortly.

"I've been looking for you. That's all." He said calmly.

He sounded different. I didn't like it. "Why?" I questioned cautiously.

"Cause I've got something I need to tell you.... meet me at my motel when your shift is done." With that he slid a piece of paper my way.

Time skip end of your shift

I walked to deans motel room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" I heard him yell.

I opened the door and I was met with the back of the Dean Winchester. I saw his spiky hair and his maroon button up.

"You know I never looked for you after that night." He said. I hate that night. I hate everything about it. Mainly how I still care.

Flash back
I know they weren't in the bunker at this time but let it go please

I walked into the bunker and was met by darkness and silence. I walked to mine and Deans room but before I walked in i heard moaning.

I quickly burst through the door to see Dean in bed with ANOTHER GIRL!!

"Y/n?!" Dean quickly got off the other girl. "I - uh"

"What the hell Dean! Who's this?!" I yelled.

"Hi I'm Becky." The stupid bimbo said.

"Get. Out." I growled. "Both. Of. You." I glared daggers at Dean.

"Baby-" Dean started getting up and walking towards me.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed when he grabbed my hand. By now Becky has left leaving just me and Dean.

"What did I do to deserve this?! Was I not good enough?! Not pretty enough?! Not sexy enough! Did I not has a big enough Ass and tits for you?!" I screamed. Tears welled in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.

Before he could say anything I ran to sams room and locked myself away. He quickly shot out of bed. I was sobbing and shaking. I was a mess.

Sam quickly ran over to me "y/n? What is it?!" He says worried.

"D-dean... he-he cheated on m-me" I fell to the floor and Sam quickly stormed out of the room.

I heard sam yell "Dean! Who do you think you are?! What the hell man?!"

I didn't hear Deans response. "ITS YOUR ANNIVERSARY YOU IDIOT! GET OUT! GO!"

I didn't hear anything until I heard the bunker door slam. Eventually Sam came back and I was a reck. I left shortly after sam calmed me down. I told him I would text him my new
Number when I changed it and I'd see him around.

End of flash back

I never got over that. It's been five years and I haven't been with anyone but dean.

I still love him. But I'd never tell him that.

"Yeah no shit I figured that out dumb ass." I said agitated.

"Wanna know why?" He asked. His voice had a certain tone to it. It scared me slightly.

"I have a feeling you'll tell me no matter what I say" I said emotionless.

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