I know part two (cas x reader)

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I pulled away from cas and stood back on the ground. I looked at him shocked "w-w-what?" Did he just say he loved me??? He smiled gently at me and cupped my face. "I Castiel, angle of the lord, love you Y/n Winchester. Always have and always will." Before he could say anything else I pulled him into a kiss, one filled with love and passion. After the need for air got to great I pulled away and leaned my forehead on his. at some point I suppose he pulled me so I was back on him again cause I just realized my legs where around his waist agin. "I love you too." I breathed out as I began to cry once again. Cas kissed away my tears and sat down so I was cuddled up on his lap and we continued to watch the movie. Half way threw as I began to doze off my eyes shot open.


"Oh my goodness I need to tell the boys! They'll be thrilled to have you back!"

I got up off Cas' lap and walked out onto the hall.

I pulled out my phone and called Dean

Dean: hey y/n/n. You okay? Is something wrong? What's wrong? Did something happen? Do yo-

You: De, I'm fine. Let me explain. But first put me on speaker, okay?

Dean: Okay.

Sam: Hey y/n

You: Hey Sammy. Okay so I have something to tell you both!

You: Now I know his is gonna sound crazy but.....

I took a deep breathe worried with how they might react. Just then I feel Cas wrap his arms around my waist and he begins to kiss my neck lovingly. Calming my nerves instantly.

You: Cas is back.....

They said nothing

You: Boys? Did you hear me? I just told you Cas is home. He came back.

Still nothing

You: Hello?

Just then I hear sound again suddenly. It's rapid breathing and shuffling.

Sam: Sorry y/n. Dean accidentally hit the mute button and couldn't figure out how to turn it off.

Sam: But I have one question.... can... can I talk to him for a second?

I smiled.

You: Sure Sammy.

I turned to Cas. "Hey, angle, Sam wants to talk to you." Cas smiled at me and took the phone. Pecking my lips before he walked out of the room. Not that it bothered me. They probably wanted to keep it private.

Cas P.O.V

I took the phone from y/n and walked to the kitchen.

Cas: Hello?

Sammy: Cas? Oh god.... it's really you! Wow!..... uh.... how.. how are you back?

Cas: I think I pissed off a cosmic being so much he sent me back here.

Dean: wow Cas. No shock there though haha

Sam: Haha wow. That's a first. So I heard what y/n called you. So are you two.... you know FINALLY together?

I smiled at his question. Sam always told me I should ask her out but I never believed him when he said she felt the same way towards me. I figured it would be a prank form them.

Cas: Yes Sam. Me and y/n are in fact together.

Cas: ......

Cas: My father I've missed her so much. And you guys as well it's just you know I love her a different way then you two.

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