Wake up (Dean x reader)

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Ok so I saw this on Pinterest and an idea struck so I had to write it down quick. Hope you like it!

It will be kinda like my life so your a twin (yes I am a twin🥳 shout out to my sister raincj  Love ya😘🥰💋 lil sis [shes gonna be pissed o called her 'lil sis' is she reads this lol.... not even worried about it {if you understand...comment}])
But that's really the only thing that relates.

Also kinda like a little bit of sanders sides mixed in


I was sitting on my couch in my house watching my favorite show. Supernatural! I decided that I'll go on my phone and look threw Pinterest which once again is mainly me looking at supernatural stuff. Ha Im what some people call obsessed. It's just such a good show!

As I'm sitting there watching the show and scrolling threw Pinterest I come across something.

Obviously it's fake

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Obviously it's fake.... right? Yeah. Totally.

I decided it's time for bed since it is four in the morning.

You talking to your logical side and our optimistic side.)

Logic like this
Optimism like this
Regular you like this

Oh now you go to bed...! Go figure, ugh you are not gonna wanna get up for work tomorrow!

You know what logical side you can go sit in the corner and shut your cakehole!

Yeah yeah whatever

Oooooo but this means we get coffee!!!!

Not that you'll need it. Gosh optimism your such a pain in the ass sometimes. Let me make her feel bad for once! You always spoil my fun! Urgh!

But it's my job to try and stay happy!!!!!! Literally!

Just shut up! Gosh I'm actually trying to sleep!

Wait! What about that message thing?! The thing that said your suppose to wake up.... come on what if it's real?!

It can't be that's impossible

You know what logic shut up go to sleep *punches logical side in face.*

*passes out*

Anywho.... what if it is?! That would be so cool!!

Logics right that's impossible I mean how would that be possible? And why if I'm in a coma would I dream about not being with the boys? Hm? I mean we all know how badly I wish it where real and I was with them. Maybe even WITH with one of them. But I'm not I'm just me.

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