Deans Birthday (dean x reader)

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Updated authors note at the bottom! PLEASE READ!! I also edited some details in the story so just re-read thanks!

Your point of view (4:00 a.m.)

I woke up at 4:00 a.m. I groaned as I got out of bed. Normally I slept till 6-9 ish, but today I had a lot to prepare for. It was deans birthday and I wanted to do something special for him.

Truth is I've had a crush on him since the day I first met him. Maybe it was escalating to something more but I haven't admitted that yet. Besides he doesn't even like me like that.

Anyways I had things I had to do. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth and hair and then quickly went to the kitchen and started making the works. Eggs, French toast, pancakes, bacon, sausage.

When suddenly I saw tortillas. I automatically thought "Breakfast burrito". So I quickly put the sausage, egg, and bacon into a tortilla.

I put it all on a plate put powdered sugar on the pancakes and French toast and I put tons cause that's just the way dean likes it. I set the maple syrup on the tray. And Gave him a cup of coffee.

Sam was walking with me to deans room carrying the tray for me cause he wanted o help in some way. But all he was going to do was take the tray set it down and leave. Then suddenly I heard dean scream.


I quickly set out in a sprint to deans room. When I got there he layed stiff on the bed sweating.

Yelling "y/n!" Then he started talking "don't you dare touch her! Don't you dare!" He paused and tossed in bed.

I got on the bed next to him and touched his face soothingly "Dean." He didn't wake up "Dean!"

He suddenly sat bolt up right eyes wide "NO!" He quickly grabbed his gun from under his pillow and pulled it out aiming at nothing.

He looked around aiming the gun in every direction his head looked. He finally saw me tossed the gun and wrapped his arms around my waist so quick and tight it knocked the wind out of me.

We both fell on the bed him on top of me. I didn't care that he was slightly crushing me. I sat there rubbing the back of his neck soothingly and the part of his back I could reach.

His head was on my chest listening to my racing heart beat slowly slow down. As I spoke softly to him.

"Dean it's ok I've got you. it's ok, no ones gonna hurt you." I knew I should have said 'no ones gonna hurt me.' But if dean wanted to tell me he would.

I laid there like that for a long while until he sat us both up but never pulled away from me. I pulled him off me just enough so I could cup his face and use my thumbs to brush away the tears that had fallen.

We both looked into each others eyes. Searching. Neither of us knew what for but I didn't care. I was the first to speak, still in a soothing tone. "Hey I made you breakfast. Let me just go get it for you okay?"

I went to get up but he grabbed my hand and quietly whispered "stay...." he looked up at me "please." I sat back down and held his hand. I knew dean hated being vulnerable. And he was vulnerable now.

"Okay let me just call Sam and tell him to bring it in here okay?" He nodded and he, to my surprise very reluctantly let my hand go so I could call Sam on my phone.

"Hey y/n is dean okay?" Sam asked.

"Yeah we're fine. Can you heat up the food and bring it in here for me?"

"Oh yeah sure. Be right there!"

"Thanks Sammy." I ended the call and put my phone down and again to my surprise dean took my hand.

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