Malnourishment (cas x reader)

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I was always teased with how short I was compared to my brothers.

No one knows why.

It's cause I'm Malnourished. Cause I always gave my food to Sam and Dean. John he... he never left enough money and he always was gone for longer than he said. It didn't help that Sammy and Dean where to hungry growing boys.

I always tried to give them as much as possible and still be able to keep living myself. I was always pretty skinny because of this and I didn't grow much.

I know Dean have some of his food to Sam as well. That's why sam is taller than dean. But I couldn't stop him he's to stubborn.

So instead I made sure he ate enough by keeping a close eye on him.

Now me and Sam and dean are all healthy now. We eat enough and we have enough money. We even have a home. The bunker. Cas also practically lives here with us. Not that any of us mind. I personally love him. Not as a brother... as more than that. But sadly I'm nothing more than a sister to him.

It's an old men of letters place but since there gone we live here. I give the boys as much food as they want, Hell I don't care. Whenever we're out on a hunt I always bring extra money.

My brain is just hardwired that way now. I don't ever want to have to do what I used to do for money..... I would sell my body for cash. I never let any of them touch me or anything. I would just give them enough to satisfy them take the money and then practically eat a bar of soap. Or I would pick up a job. If I could wash cars or something. I would do that. Preferably the second one.

Another thing the boys don't know about. Dean was always protective of me. But I'm his twin and he's not even the oldest.

I never wanna have to tell them what I did. I feel like they wouldn't look at me the same if they knew.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Sam knocking on my doorframe, I never keep my door closed Incase the boys need me. Even at night I keep it cracked usually open half way. "Hey y/n/n I'm gonna watch a documentary you wanna watch with me?"

Sam always did this. Made sure he knew I was wanted. John used to come home and yell at me at how useless I was. How I wasn't a good daughter and I couldn't protect them. Eventually he got to hitting me. I would never let him put a finger on the boys..... the one time he did hurt dean....

Dean and him got into a fight while I was getting dads stupid shot from the car. I decided I would clean it up a bit. Wrong choice. I got back on and dad had grabbed deans wrists so hard there where bruises! I pushed John off of him and blew up on him. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING! DON'T YOU TOUCH HIM! DON'T YOU EVER FUCKING TOUCH ETHIER OF THEM! GET OUT! GO! I DON'T CARE WHERE YOU GO, GO ON ANOTHER HUNT OR SOME SHIT! LEAVE US ALONE LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO ITS BETTER THAT WAY! ITS BETTER WHEN YOUR GONE JOHN! I SWEAR TO GOD IF I EVER SEE! HEAR! OR FIND OUT THAT YOU SO MUCH AS HURT A HAIR ON ETHIER OF THERE HEADS I WILL SHOOT YOU MYSELF!" That was the first time I ever called him John and I saw that It hurt some part of him to hear me say that instead of dad so I never called him dad again. It was always sir or John.

By now dean had gone to the other room. I heard the door close when dean got in there. That's where Sammy was currently, trying to do homework. I made a mental note to help him and make sure dean was alright once I finished this.

Let's just say John was my happy with my out burst. That was one of the more heavy beatings. He bruised whole right side of my torso. Cut my lip, gave me a black eye and a bloody nose.

I didn't stop him though cause I knew after this he'd get angry and leave and if I hit him back or told him to stop it would only get worse.

Once he did finally leave I cleaned myself up a bit and the I went to make sure dean was alright.

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