Cheers to you

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To celebrate and mourn the last day of filming (September 10, 2020) I'm writing this story.

The convention had a different heir to it. It was still the happy lovable amazing atmosphere as always but you could tell. We all can tell that this one is the last. So with tears in my eyes I stood up grabbing the microphone. Jensen had picked me out of the crowd to speak.

"H-hi-i" I chocked back a sob.

"Hey it's ok." Jared said softly.

"Yeah take your time sweetheart." Jensen whispered when I tried to speak again Misha spoke up.

"Hey," I looked to him. "Just breathe." I nodded closing my eyes and taking a deep breathe. Recalling all the happy memories that this community has given me.

"You three- all of you, probably hear this daily over and over. But I just wanted to say thank you. This show started out as a show about two brothers going around the country hunting monsters to find there father. And then it became about two brothers who had a strange relationship with an angel. And then about the three brothers and the family they had built for themselves." They all looked at each other smiling.

"About three brothers who go around the country saving people and hunting things. About three brothers trying to save the world. And while you did this amazing show. While you brought these characters to life, you became a family. We all got to watch you grow  we all got to become a part of something. And while the brothers saved lives you did too."

"On May 13 2010 (pretend you where alive and watching the show) the show was said to end. Lucifer has been defeated what more could be done?

"a few weeks later I held the way out in my hand. I was ready, I had nothing left. I felt so alone. When suddenly my phone chimes. 'It's probably just a game or maybe setting with another update.' I said to myself. But this small voice whispered to me 'pick it up.' And I felt inclined to listen. And suddenly my salvation was in one hand and my end was in the other."

"That notification on my phone, it was from Jensen Ackles Instagram. I pulled up the video and there you where. 'Supernatural is continuing for a sixth season!' That was it! That was my salvation! Suddenly I had something to live for. Something as small as a tv show filled with actors who would never know I was on this earth. But I didn't care about that because this was my sign. It's been 10 years. 10 years I've been clean and 10 years since you saved me." I looked down tears blurring my vision.

"You all are such amazing wonderful people and you truly deserve the world. Never forget how much you mean to us and if you ever miss the show or playing the boys just know that your family is still here. Because no matter when the show ends the supernatural family will keep it alive with our cosplay, with our fan fiction, with our fan art, and with our love for you all." I whispered.

I say down after handing the mic to someone when I heard Jensen speak. "Get over here." He whispered and I look up to see him Jared and misha all getting off the stage. I don't hesitate in getting up and meeting them halfway and instantly I'm pulled into a hug by Jensen.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered. "I'm happy that me posting the video saved you."

Next it was Jared. "You are never alone, and we are always gonna be here for you." He hugged me as well holding me just as tight and just as long and then it came to misha.

"I'm glad a beautiful person like you can share her story with the world." He whispered his voice deep and gruff much like Cas' and he pulled me into a hug.

When the convention ended I had dozens of pictures and even autographs from them all each with there own message. I know I'll always have something to live for, because I know that this family is forever.

It truly is sad to see this show go. It's blessed us with many memories and many friends. We got to see amazing people grow and fall in love and we got the privilege of having the most wonderful cast for a show that wouldn't be the same without every single one of them. And this show is forever eternal because let's face it, the supernatural fandom will never die. We've all sold out souls to satan in order to see the two brothers and angel parade around the county saving people.
So cheers to the cast.
Cheers to the crew.
Cheers to the fandom.
But most importantly cheers to all of you.
Cheers to the family that will forever be eternal.

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