Stripper (Sam x reader)

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This is one of my least favorite and favorite cases yet. It's not the fact I had to go undercover as a stripper. No that I was used to. I was once a stripper/ pole dancer so it should be easy. What upset me was how ready and excited Sam was. He wasn't usually like this but he was excited.

It saddens me to no end. I had always liked Sammy. More than I liked anyone else. It was safe to say I loved him. And the fact he was so excited upset me. But we had just gotten to the club so I put on my best smile adjusted my short showy dress and walked inside.

Sams P.O.V

As y/n left my smile dropped and the scowl matching my actual mood returned.

"Dude? What happened you where just so happy?" Dean asked hitting my shoulder.

"Yeah Dean I'm thrilled that the girl
I love gets to go and show herself of as bait and a dancer. Oh yeah.... I'm thrilled! Not only that but now I have to do all the work while your distracted by naked women!" I growled at him.

He looked at me seriously and said "I won't be distracted. Not when someone I care about is on the line.

I rolled my eyes and glared out the window promptly ending the conversation waiting for y/n to get back.

Your P.O.V

I walked into the club before they opened. Sam and Dean where still in the car waiting.

"Hello?!" I called

"Sorry sweet cheeks we're clo- well well. Looking for a job sweetheart?" The sleezy man behind the counter asked

I giggled and made my voice slightly higher and more flirtatious "Yeah," I bit my lip "you have any openings?"

He chuckled "Yeah honey we got a few. You....." he looked me up and down "look perfect for the job. But you gotta do a few things alright?"

"Sure boss! When can I start?" I asked in the same happy flirty voice.

He smiled "tonight. I'll show you around"

"So... what are you gonna have me do?" I asked in mock stupidity. In actuality I knew. Like I said it wasn't my first time doing this.

"Well you'll do private rooms, pole dancing, bar tending, lap dances, waitressing, you know a bit of everything!" He began walking to different areas around the place and motioned for me to follow. "Ok so this is the bar, can you mix's drinks?" I nodded "good! Now over her we got our platforms, ones without poles are more for the strip dancing, although you can do that with the poles as well, but you can only get down to a bra and g-string.... sadly" he looked me up and down.

"So everyone wont be able to see all that."

An unpleasant shiver ran up my spine from his unwanted gaze. "alright what time should I be here?" I asked 'excited'

"Be here around 8:00 it'll give you enough time to meet everybody and get ready." He said smirking at me.

I turned around to walk away and as I did I felt a sharp pain in my Ass. He had smacked it. It took all my will power to not turn around and hit him. As I continued to walk away it now took all my willpower not to run.

I walk back out to the car the sleepy man staring after me. I give him a small 'flirty' wave and get in the car. I can feel the tension in the car. Sam and dean aren't pleased with the way the man is looking at me.

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