Help me (Cas x reader)

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This shouldn't be happening! It was a simple minor league demon! At least that's what we thought! But noooooo it's one of the yellow eyed princes of hell!

Are you fucking kidding me?! Damn it! If it weren't for my stupidity this wouldn't be happening! I was to stubborn to see all the signs! And because of it I got Cas and I captured!

And now they're driving us to some stupid place for some stupid shit all while sam and dean have to get threw god knows what to find us!

I was pulled from my internal rage when the car stopped suddenly and I fell on my face. They had us in the back of a u-haul and we where forced to kneel in our bonds. I heard Cas grunt and looked over at him. I mouthed the words I'm sorry and he blinked slowly at me.

That was the way we had come up with to say it's okay or it'll be fine in a bad situation we couldn't talk in.

The back of the truck is wrenched open and me and Cas where ripped from the back of it.

They took us inside a building that smelled heavily of blood and suffer. I was faced with the stupid yellow eyed dick himself.

"Well well well.... what do we have here? An angle and a whore, how exciting!" The yellow eyed demon said excited.

"Don't. Talk. About. Her. Like. That." Cas growled. I looked over at him and sent him a fearful look trying to get him to stop.

"Well Well feathers here has a thing for you doesn't he! Well I was gonna torcher both of you but now I can just do twice as much to you and hurt him at the same time! Oooo so exciting!" Yellow eyes clapped and suddenly Cas was in a cage and I was tied to a chair.....

Only when he came over to me with a cart of torture devices and looked me up and down did I realize I was now only in my bra and underwear.

Warning torture and mentions of rape in the next parts! Do. Not. Read. If. Sensitive. To. This.

Yellow eyes snapped again and Cas was in a chair facing me and the demon. He was surrounded by holy oil in enochian chains and surrounded by heavy wards. He couldn't escape no matter how bad he wanted.

I looked at Cas terrified as I was lifted up and brought into another room surrounded by many men. And they all had the same look in there eyes.

As four came closer to me dear filled my system. But I would. Not. Beg. After they all took there turns using me and raping me in every place they could. I couldn't help but threaten them. Still not willing to beg.

"Get off me! Don't you fucking touch me! I'll rip you to shreds!!" I growled at them. I continued to threaten them until I realized it was useless. Then I began to beg.

"Please stop! Please I'll do anything! Please just kill me! Please!!" I would beg which only seem to drive them on more. There movements becoming quicker and they seemed more pleased.

Finally after who knows how many men (demons), I lost count after twenty, used me I began to beg for Cas. For him to help me.

"Please Cas help me! Help me! I can't! Please help me! I need you!!" I knew he couldn't do anything for me but I couldn't help it. I loved Cas. Even though I was some useless human. I loved him.

I could hear Cas from the other room just barely above my screams and the grunts and chuckles of the men around me. "Let her go!" He screamed. "Take me instead. Punish me!" He yelled.

That's when I was pulled back in the room. I was bloody sweaty and covered in cum. While they raped me they dug different weapons into my skin. Poking and prodding and cutting me.

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