Stripper- part 2 (Sam x reader)

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"Hello boys...."

Dean looks up first and almost spits out the last sip of his beer.

I just smirk at him and Sam looks up quickly and looks back down. A second later his head snaps back up.

"Y/n!" He says a little louder then I want.

I give him a look that says not so loud. He looks at me quizzically. I lean down and place my hand on his chest while I whisper in his ear "creeps hang out around here Sammy. I don't need them to know my name." I whisper with a smile making it look like I'm whispering a flirty response in his ear.

I drag my hand up his chest and smirk at him. "Anyways here's your whiskey boys!" I said flirtatiously.

"Oh and by the way. I'm doing private rooms tonight as well." I send sam a wink and smirk at dean. "If your interested." I smirk and then walk away.

Moving my ass to the beat. I can feel his eyes on me. I walk back to the bar and Steven has me mix some drinks for a while.

After a bit I was waved out by a man. "Can I get a lap dance sweet heart?" He said in a slurred voice.

I nodded and pushed him down in a chair. He tried to touch me and I shook my finger "no no you pay first." He handed me a 25 and I gave him a look. He handed me a 50 and all I said was "ten minutes and no touching"

He huffed but nodded anyways. As I started the dance I saw something in a mirror in the club. It looked like a hideous monster. I quick did a double take and saw I was right. It was a hideous monster. 'Shit,' I thought 'where dealing with a damn wraith'

I gave the guy a quick lap dance at the end he shoved some money in my straps. I walked away and pulled it out behind the bar. I had to play everything off that I was perfectly fine till I could talk to one of the guys.

Steven looked at me "woah! Nice
y/n/n. How'd you score that?" He asked patting my back but not hard enough to hurt my bare skin.

I looked at him "high price lap dance. Dude was happy with it so he gave me extra." I smirked at him and he shook his head while smiling.

"Damn girl okay. You better put that in the back room. Besides you have your second dance next." He gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at him walking away.

I went to the back room and slipped on my black colored outfit. And quickly fixed my hair and makeup. I decided I would keep it the same and I went out to do my next dance.

Since I didn't change my makeup or hair I had way more time than usual before my next dance. It also didn't help that Steven sent me back earlier than I needed

I decided I would walk around the crowd for a bit see if Sam and Dean where actually paying attention to there surroundings and if they where try and catch one of them alone to tell them.

Surprisingly they where. Dean wasn't busy looking at some girl. He's actually paying attention to everyone around him. And Sammy is looking right at me.

I smirked at him and walked over to him. "Wanna dance?" I whispered in his ear. Apparently my voice came out sexier than I tried to make it because sam shivered slightly when my lips brushed his ear, 'Or maybe I just already have that affect on him' I thought in my head.

I smirked sexily at the thought and the way same had reacted. I saw him swallow hard. "Y/n?...." he looked at me wondering if this was a joke.

"I need to talk to you Sammy. And I've got time to kill before my next pole dance... sooo what'd ya say?" I asked now rubbing my hand down his toned chest slightly.

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