My queen (crowey x reader)

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Howling and barking was heard behind me, but I didn't look back. Instead I ran, I ran no matter how much my legs screamed for me to stop. I couldn't stop not if I wanted to live.

"Help me!" I screamed out as a hell hound chased after me. "Please I'll do anything! Just somebody help me!" Before anyone could come to my rescue Lucifer's personal hell hound began to rip me apart and eat me alive. As I'm being tortured to death by its sharp teeth and claws the figure of Lucifer slowly comes into focus.

He granbs my face pausing the hell hounds movements as he growls out to me "No one will save you y/n... ever." And with that he let my face go and walked away. Quickly I was back to being eaten.

"Crowley! Crowley Help me! Please! Don't let him hurt me anymore!"

Suddenly I bolted up right it my bed. "Gah!" I screamed out. Quickly my hell hound, Delilah comes over to me nuzzling me making sure I'm alright. I was often plagued by these nightmares, the nightmares of when Lucifer killed me.

I pet her gently and sent her off to bed again. And I quickly slipped on one of my husbands dress shirts (basically his every day shirt with how often he wears suits) over my black lace bra and pantie set. It had accents of red for the bows and black and red overlapping silk for the waist line of the panties.

I got up out of the lavish dark red silk sheets and quickly made my way out of my bedroom. I didn't care about my attire it was late and most Demons where doing work or surprisingly sleeping. I didn't know demons actually slept till I was sent down here by Lucifer's bloody dog.

I made my way to the throne room quietly knocking before I slipped inside. The door closed behind me with a loud bang. Quickly an angry look came on my husbands face and his head snapped in my direction. I played with the sleeves of his shirt nervously as well as the bottom. Or I would twirl the necklace on my neck around since it was despised because of the top few buttons being undone.

It was the ruby necklace Crowley had gotten me. The ruby was surrounded by little diamonds and it was on a silver chain. On the back of the ruby/diamond area there was a silver plate with the words "my queen" carved into it. 

Crowley dismissed the two demons in the room with us and once they where gone his gaze completely softened and he quickly got up making his way to me.

"Darling? What's the matter? Are you alright?!" He asks worried. I knew why he looked angry when I first entered, he A. Thought I was a stupid demon bothering him and B. Had to keep up a tough(ish) act with me around his subjects. I knew it was fake because when I entered and he saw it was me I saw his gaze soften slightly.

I nodded my head but he didn't believe me. I could tell as he searched my eyes the longer he stared the more I began to break.

"I-I had a- well I had a n-nightmare and I know it s-stupid but I really n-needed to see you." I whispered as I looked down ashamed. I lived in hell for fucks sake I shouldn't have nightmares.

I felt a warm gentle hand on my face as he slowly made me look up at him. "Oh sweet heart. Don't be sorry it's not stupid. You know I would never push you away when you need me." He whispered I nodded knowing that very well but none the less felt bad.

He knew I still felt bad so gently he grabbed my hand pulling me towards the throne. He sat down and promptly pulled me into his lap. His arms went around my waist and his chest pressed against my back.

"Darling~" he practically purred into my ear. His hands stroked the skin of my hips where there where a few hickies left there by him himself. I hummed as he began to kiss and suck on my neck gently.

"Mmm I love you my king." I whispered as I sank further into his arms.

"And I love you... my queen~" I blushed at his words. I loved hearing him all me his queen. I turned so I was straddling his hips and we where face to face.

"You know I love when you call me that." I said with almost a dreamy air to my voice. He chuckled and I couldn't help but shiver slightly at the deep rumble of his chest.

(Mild smut(no sex) ahead)

"I am well aware of that baby. Why do you think I say it so much?" I giggle at his words and promptly crash our lips together. It starts of a little slow but quickly gets heated. My hands go from his shoulders to his hair as I run my hands through it pulling just a little.

His grip tightened on my neck and occasionally slips higher to my boobs. I grind my hips over his when he begins to suck on my sweet spot. He knows exactly Where it is, he should with how much he liked to kiss it and suck on it.

I moan out lowly as I hear him let out a groan/a growl. "Mmm you're a tease my love." He whispers as I continue to grind my hips against his.

"Mmm I know. But only for you my king. I only ever do anything for you." I said one again with a smirk. And once again connected our lips. After a while we had stopped everything else to distracted by the kissing.

I pulled away and nuzzles into his chest where I left a mark showing everyone he was my king as he continued to do some paper work for situations in hell. After a while I fell asleep.

I woke up slightly and found myself back in Pitt bed this time with a shirtless Crowley next to me in just some black sweat pants. Shockingly he owned normal clothes. I was back to my bra and underwear. I leaned up and kisses his cheek and whispered

"Good night Crow. I love you my king" I closed my eyes and just before I drifted to sleep I heard,

"Goodnight my Queen. I love you more."

Howdy hey y'all sorry I was gone so long but I can't promise I'll be back much! Sorry!!

Love you guys!!

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