I hate it (Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader)

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This might be like super cringe so I'm sorry. I'm debating if I'm going to keep writing for this book or not, let me know.

Sorry for any mistakes.

Warnings: alpha and omega, angst, stupid alpha Sam, unrequited feelings, fluff, hints at smut

"I can't stand it dean. Her scent is just always there it's driving me crazy! It's all around the house!" The words of Sam Winchester tang in your ears over and over. Why did you have to fall for him? Out of all the people to fall for all the alphas why him? "I hate it" the finishing blow.

So many times before this I had been told my scent was disgusting, it was awful, no alpha would want one as sickly sweet as my own. I used blockers most of my life but I had run out. I was just trying to leave to buy more when I stumbled upon the conversation.

"And I mean why does she ALWAYS have to touch me?!" Sam spoke more agitated. A whimper left my lips.

Deans head snapped to the door way I was once standing in but I was to busy dashing towards the map room hoping to leave through that door instead of taking a car through the garage.

"Y/n!" Dean called. "Shit! Wait y/n stop running!" Dean continued but I just kept running and I didn't stop after I was out of the bunker I didn't stop two miles away I didn't stop when my lungs ached so bad I thought I would die. I didn't stop when I got into town. I only stopped running in the store where I opted for speed walking. I marched up to the counter pulling out my fake doctors pharmacist ID or whatever and stepping behind the counter as I rummaged for the blockers.

These ones I knew only doctors could handle and grab. So I grabbed them even though I know I'm not a doctor. No one stopped me no one even payed any attention to me as I grabbed the strongest suppressants and scent blockers and smacked the money of the counter before speed walking back out. No one stopped me as I ran down the street to a gas station grabbing a bottle of water and quickly taking both pills. No one stopped me as I ran into an ally hiding once I heard the sweet purr that was baby's engine. No one stopped me when I ran out of town and back to the bunker.

I wasn't paying attention to caught up in my own mind. This was the straw that broke the camels back. This was the tipping point. For years I silently loved Sam. For years I did my best to please him without making it obvious. I thought my physical affection was appreciated but now I know the truth.

"Never again." I growled out as I continued to run. "Never again"

When I returned to the bunker I was happy to find it empty. Quickly I went around snatching all items that smelled of me and began washing them on the special setting that erases a scent deeply invested into fabric. I grabbed all items of clothing laying around the house and tossed them into my room while at the same time I grabbed all of Sams items from my room and returned them to his room after washing those too.

Deans clothing will stay. I need one alpha scent in my nest to make me feel safe. And sam didnt want to be that alpha so dean would be. Of course it wouldn't be the same. Dean was like a brother while Sam was more. But no not anymore.

Once I was finished I stripped down and promptly began to shower wiping sams scent off of me. I had to scrub hard before I was finally satisfied. If he hated me so much I wouldn't give him the displeasure of having any part of himself on or around me.

When I was finished the boys still hadn't returned. Probably thinking there's no way I could be home by now. And I decided to make them food. Most people would no longer make Sam food but the boy is hopeless in making hi rabbit food actually taste as delicious as I make it. And if he wants to be disrespectful about this to he can kiss my cooking goodbye.

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