Just you part two (fluff) (cas x reader)

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I had an idea to continue this so I am! Enjoy!! I had to put a fluff because that's what it was originally gonna be but then it took a different turn last chapter lol.

As I woke up the first thing i noticed was the lack of warmth. I quickly sat up and looked around "Cas?!" I yelled. "No!" I whispered panicking when I didn't see him anywhere in the room. "No no no! Did he leave?! Did he seriously still leave me?!" I started panicking.

I quickly found a pair of underwear and a bra (this time going black lace with red bow on both the panties and the bra. The bra also has like a small sparkly jewl hanging from the bow) and Cas's white button up throwing it on. I buttoned it most of the way except for three buttons I didn't have time. Dean and Sam left at 3:00 a.m. to go on a hunt anyways.

I quickly ran my fingers through my hair trying to tame it as I ran through all the scenarios in my head I began pacing. Where has he gone?! Why would he leave me?! I thought I would search the bunker maybe he was just reading or something. As I whipped the door open I ran out only to be met with a solid object.

I fell down and when I looked up I saw Cas standing there looking worried. "Cas!" I exclaimed as I jumped up and hugged him.

"What's wrong?!" He asked worriedly wrapping his arms around me placing one on my back and one on my head.

I pulled away and punched his arm. "Don't do that!" I scolded. He put his hand over his arm and looked at with a confused head tilt. I couldn't help the tears that sprung to my eyes just at the thought of what was running through my mind.

"I- I woke up and you where gone, and" realization dawned on his face as he instantly looked a little guilty. "I thought you had left... and I- i" I couldn't continue and I just pulled him back into a hug. "Just don't do that." I whispered into the crook of his neck as tears leaked from my eyes despite my best efforts.

He pulled away and cupped my cheeks brushing away my tears. "I could never leave you. I told you remember?" I nodded looking down. And as I did I noticed he was only in his white boxers. Instantly my cheeks heated up and my eyes snapped back up to his and he smirked. "See something you like?" He asked teasingly. I nodded his eyes locking my in a daze.

He chuckled and I quickly shook myself out of it. "I mean-" I scoffed "you wish Novack." I said pushing him slightly. He chuckled pecking my lips and walked back off. I couldn't help but stare at the muscles of his arms and back as e left.

"Come on stop drooling foods almost done in the kitchen!" He called over his shoulder with a chuckle. I shook myself out of it again and followed after him. I came to find him standing in front of the stove and I kissed his back as I hugged him quickly. He hummed lightly as I peppered kisses along his Muscles.

I moved away with a giggle going towards the cabinet and getting down to mugs and the required plates. Cas wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck. "I like you in my shirt baby girl." He kissed my neck. "I could get used to this view you look good enough to eat." He said and he smacked one hand down to my ass and squeezed.

"Cas!" I said shocked turning around. He chuckled and gave me a smirk saying 'what? I didn't do anything.' I rolled my eyes while smiling widely at him. "Yeah yeah... you know I'm already your girlfriend you don't have to flatter me anymore."

He nodded. "I know but it's just he truth." I laughed as we sat down and ate our meal.

Time skip

I had been feeling sick recently and couldn't figure out why. Cas seemed to notice because every morning the past two weeks I would run into the bathroom and get sick. He would always come in to hold my hair and run my back. I looked at the calendar only
To see I had missed my period.

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