Deans birthday part two (dean x reader)

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I suggest re-reading the first part!
I woke up to the feeling of lips being softly pressed against my cheek. I go to punch the person by natural instinct but I stop instantly when I hear his voice.

"Thank you sweetheart. Thank you for the best birthday ever. But I don't think you'd approve if you woke up to find me in your bed."


I pretended to stir slightly and I heard his breathe hutch. I heard him backing away slowly and then I heard the door open and close softly.

I sit up and open my eyes. Touching the spot where he had kissed me. I couldn't help the deep blush that formed, nor could I help the butterfly's that seemed to live in my stomach.

I look at the clock and see it read 7:30. Not what time I would love to wake up but it will have to do, since I can't go back to sleep now.

I get up and walk into the bathroom. I take a nice long shower, almost reluctantly since I smell like dean. Once I finally decided to just shower and I'm finished I walk into my room and stand in front of my mirror.

I see the scars that cover a good bit of my skin (more than most people). I look disgusting, I think to myself. No one would ever love me, especially not dean.

I push the thought away and pull on a set of black Lacey underwear and a matching bra. I look around for something to wear and I see Deans green flannel I had bought him..... wait if that's in my room does that mean he slept.... shirtless?

I got red at the thought. Before I could think about it anymore I threw the flannel on. It went down low enough I didn't even think to wear any shorts.

I walked out to the kitchen and decided I would make breakfast. I put on my playlist and began singing as I cooked.

I made scrambled eggs, bacon, turkey bacon and I cut up some avocado to go with everything. While everything was cooking I started a pot of coffee and put ingredients in the blender to make a smoothie.

When I was about to put the lid on I realized I had forgotten the milk. "That's it! How could I forget milk?!" I laughed to myself and continued to sing. I went to our fridge and bent down so I could see if we had any left or if dean had used it all for cereal. I didn't hear the boys standing in the doorway. Or at least dean, Sammy was still walking to the kitchen.

I didn't think about them yet until I heard someone clear there throat. I turned around to see Dean and Sam standing in the doorway . I quickly stood up with the milk now in hand realizing I didn't have shorts on.

I played it off pretending I wasn't flustered at all. "Morning boys!" I said happily walking up to them. I pulled Sam down and went on my tip toes and kissed his forehead and I went on my tip toes to kiss Deans cheek.

Then I walked over to the blender and poured in the milk. "You boys want coffee? Smoothie?" Sam nodded to both and surprisingly so Did dean.

I turned on the blender and then busied myself making coffee. When they both came over to make there one I waved them off. They both reluctantly sat down. Feeling bad yet again I was making breakfast for them.

I had done it for the past few weeks for some reason. Once the smoothie was done I poured it into glasses and carried all six cups over to the table.

The boys looked at me shocked at I tilted my head confused. "What?" I questioned.

"H-how did you do that?" Dean asked, still looking rather shocked.

"I used to be a waitress before i met you guys. I would do it wherever I went so I had money. That and other odd jobs." I walked away with a shrug like it was casual.

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