please (sam x reader)

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This has master (not sure what to call the sub) themes in it. Where you crave to serve Sam and he is your master. It isn't constant you feel like this aftercare is always involved and it's not just about sex. Don't like don't read simple as that.

It had been months since the split up with Sam it was mutual but it still broke me. I was his submissive and he was my dominant. But his hunts took so long.

I remember how much I had cried. Locking myself into the bathroom and letting the tears slip. When he had found me I broke completely.

"I-I'm sorry Sam I'm-I'm tr-trying." I sobbed as I sat on the bed. He crouched in front of me.

"I know kitten I know." It was a long moment of silence my sniffles and sobs being the only thing heard.

"Y/n..." he hesitated. "I think it's best if we..." he didn't finish and I knew.

"Yeah.... maybe it is." It pained me to say it but we couldn't be the way I needed to be. After that I tried staying at the bunker but it hurt so I moved in with Bobby for a while.

While staying there I didn't get much better. I was often plagued with nightmares but not of monsters or death but merely of the fact that maybe Sam never wanted me. Maybe Sam had a new better girl now one who could serve him properly. Every night Bobby would comfort me. He knew of my situation down to the T.

And he was welcoming and open. He harbored no bad feelings towards the community I'm part of. If anything he showed support. He let me be me and I felt free. But I was still stuck I longed for Sam I needed him. I know this isn't a punishment for anything we both agreed but it feels like it. When my collar slipped from my neck and I handed the others over to him panic ripped at me.

Bobby often found me staring off somewhere. I truly was lost and he knew that. So he would give me tasks Though they could never mean as much as the tasks given to me by Sam but they where enough.

I poured myself into hunting. Guns blazing and I no longer gave a shit. Bobby was worried about me I could tell but I couldn't allow myself to stay still very long. This was the easiest way to push down the submissiveness inside me. The easiest way to ignore the pain.

But things have been radio silent for a while and I was growing restless. "Bobby!" I called through the house from my room. I ignored the shake in my voice and the tears that slipped. I didn't wait for an answer. "I- please give me something to do. Anything at all. I'll work on one of the cars if you want just-" I paused "something!"

"Bobby's not here right now." I look up and see Dean standing in the door way.

"Dean?! What are you doing here?!" I whipped my tears but the look he gave me stopped.

"Sams not here sweetheart it's okay. He's out with Bobby." I swiftly stood and ran to him clinging onto him. As we stood my legs began to feel weak. Dean noticed and lowered us to the floor right in the middle of the hallway. "Shhhhh shhhh" he said softly. "It's alright y/n/n I got ya I got ya. Don't worry." It had been almost an hour and I stilled cried. Dean didn't let go or rush me.

"I-god I miss him dean. I feel so- so-" I stopped what was the word. Hopeless? Useless?

"Lost?" I just looked at him and nodded.

"And Bobby's trying giving me tasks but nothing's working!" Suddenly I heard the front door open and I quickly flung myself off of deans lap and into my room. Before he could say anything I closed the door.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

It was ten minutes later when I heard a soft knock assuming it was Bobby I opened the door without trying to hide my appearance. My eyes where red and puffy my cheeks had tear tracks running down them and my hair was a mess.

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