Y/N, Y/L/N?! (Sam x reader)

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Finally doing a Sam x Reader sorry it took so long!


Your P.O.V

It was a long drive to this "bunker" as Gabriel called it. I needed.... help finding some lore and when I asked Gabe where to find some he said go see the Winchester's.

Of course I knew who they where. They where only one of the most famous hunters.... ever. I've heard all the story's.... may or may not have read the books. And I ask around a lot.

Anyways by the tome I got there I was wiped. I almost missed the front door but luckily Gabe warned me it was kinda hard to see. So when I saw it I decided I would park just out front. I went to my trunk grabbed my gun and stuck it in my waist band (just in case). I put my knife on my belt along with a flask of holy water.

I went up to the door and knocked. I couldn't hear a thing next thing I know the door was opened and there stood a super tall man. With long brown hair. And beautiful eyes. Then I noticed.... he had a gun pointed right at me.

"I would assume you're one of the Winchester's?..... I'm friends with Gabriel.. and Cas. I'm here for some... help. I need some lore and I here you guys have an extensive collection." He still hadn't put the gun down much of anything he got more wary. "Look you can run all the tests on me ok." I held out my palm and dragged my silver knife across it. Than held out my hand for his holy water which he handed me. I dumped it on my palm. After sam was satisfied once he did a few of his own tests he called Cas. "Hey Cas can you come verify this girl. She says she knows you and I just wanna make sure." A second later you here a flutter of wings.

"Hello Sam.... Y/N?!" Cas said your name shocked "Hey Cassie bear! Long time no see! Do I get a hug to make up for all those unanswered prayers or are you just gonna stand there with your mouth open?"

He seemed to shake himself out of his daze and pulled me into a hug whilst apologizing profusely. I giggled "You're fine Cassie. I was just teasing!" I turned to Sam now who was smiling from seeing the interaction.

His simile made mine widen a bit. "I'm y/n. y/n, y/l/n. Nice to meet you.... hmmmm let me guess... Sam" he nodded and I smiled wider. "I knew it. From everything I've heard and read you always seem to be the more open minded and understanding one. No offense dean who I can only assume is standing right inside the door way listening."

I then hear a man gasp and exclaim "How did you know I was there?!" I just smiled and shrugged while saying "call it a gut feeling" then I shot sam a wink and a bit of a flirtatious smile.

"Woah, woah, wait.... did you say y/n y/l/n?" Sam asked

"Yes. That is my name." I chuckled.

"Dude! You're a legend! Bobby used to tell me story's about you when dad and dean where off on hunts. You're a badass. Is it true you took down a whole vampire nest on your own? And not just a small simple one but a big one! And is it true you found a pack of werewolves and took them down as well? And took down five windigos in a week??" Sam asked getting more and more excited

I blushed while laughing and look down in embarrassment when I saw the wide smile at Sam lips. Then I shyly stuttered our "y-y-Yes. W-wait y-you've heard s-story's of m-m-me?" Where did my confidence go....? Oh I know out the fucking window cause sam freaking Winchesters heard of me!! I've always taken a liking twords him. Not that I don't like dean and Cas there just always been something about him.

"Heard of you?! You're one of my hero's. You should be very proud of your work! I've always wanted to meet you it is such a pleasure!" Just then I was pulled into a warm hug and that's when I noticed I began to cry. Sam quickly asked "What's wrong?! Did I do something?! I am so sorry y/n!" I couldn't answer him due to the fact I didn't trust my voice and suddenly Gabe popped in.

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