stripper part three( smut) (sam x reader)

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Hi so I really wanted to write a smut for the mini stripper series's I did. It was a Sam x reader go re-read if you wish but yeah here you go. Let me know if you guys want more smuts. This is like an alternate ending. If you read the last chapter just ignore where they confess there feelings and stuff and pretend that I'm this chapter they still don't know.

Your dream

I walk out from room my hips swaying to the beat. I can partially see the light bouncing off the diamonds that cover my bra cup. I see men's eyes on me I'll staring undressing me with there eyes and eye fucking me.

But I'm not paying attention to them the only one I'm looking at is Sam. He stares at me his pupils blown wide with lust. When I get over to the table him and dean are at i great then. Purposefully showing dean my cleavage to make Sam jealous.

"Hello boys, here are your drinks!"  I say seductively bending over to hand them each to them. Dean knows what I'm doing so he moves his hand to my ass and squeezes.

"I might just have to take you to the back rooms baby. You look good enough to eat." I bite my lip staring at him and I don't miss the way Sams fist clenched around his whiskey.

"Maybe you will... I wouldn't mind having a bite of you too."

You and Dean continues like this for about half an hour. Finally Sam had enough. He slams his glass down after emptying it and grabs my hips pulling me into his lap. 

I already told security it was fine if these two touched me and that I knew them. Sam stares at me as I begin to dance on him. Dean got up and went to another Table, Sam pushed the table so we could sit with our legs underneath of it. He slipped his hand onto my waist.

"What do you think you where doing?" He growls in my ear.

"Aw just havin a little fun." I reply moving my hand to his hair.

"You can have fun with me, but only me. You're mine, and I'm just gonna have to show you that." He moves his hand down and under the underwear of my outfit.

"S-Sam!" I stutter out.

"Aw what princess, don't tell me you don't like it. I can feel how wet your little pussy is for me. You like the fact all these people can see how you want me so bad?  You like that don't you." I moan nodding I had to admit I did. He removed his fingers and turned me around so I was straddling him. I whimpered at the loss of stimulation but suddenly his one leg slipped between mine. I moaned at the feeling and couldn't help as I began grinding myself against him.

"Aw such a needy little thing for me aren't you?" I nodded as my breathing picked up his hand went to my neck and he squeezed. "Are you gonna make yourself cum on my thigh?"

I nodded. "Good, show everyone how needy you are. Let them here you." He said as he bounced his knee slightly.

As I Got closer my hips began to move faster and Sam whispered "Come on baby girl ride Daddy's thigh. That's it come on good girl."

Fuck he had a daddy kink god damn that's hot. Luckily I do too. "D-daddy. May I Cum please, oh please daddy. Let me cum I need to cum pretty please. Let me cum for you let me cum for you." I whimpered as I got closer and closer.

He grabbed my chin making me look him in the eyes. "Cum for me little one." That was all I needed to be pushed over the edge I quickly came shaking

I woke up in the back of the impala I could feel my body radiating heat.

"Ah good morning!" Dean said smiling at me.

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