Chapter 1- What a mess

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Third person POV
OMG! She just can't believe she's actually there.

Tiffany was currently attending a business conference for Butterfly Secret. She had to keep telling herself to keep it under control.

Tiffany's is a junior manager at Gorgeous Models in the accounting department. She was attending a conference as an ambassador for her company.

She was very nervous because this was her first time doing something like this. She looked at her watch. It was 1:17.

The conference began since 10 and she was dying of hunger. This is what I get for skipping breakfast she thought.

Thirteen more minutes, she kept telling herself. Before she knew it was 1:30.

She gleefully finished off whatever she had to before heading to the buffet table.

Many different assortments of mouth-watering foods decorated the table.

After narrowing down her choices, she decided to go with a plate of French Fries, Salad, Fried Rice and Baked Macaroni.

Just as she sat at the table, she realized that she didn't get anything to drink. She went back and took a coffee.

At that moment, another guy also took the same coffee as her.

But the catch was, he didn't let go.

Instead they both intensely gazed at each other fiercely.

Soon after their staring competition, they began pulling it away from each other, but they didn't realize that they were attracting a crowd.

The guy was saying that he took it first while she was saying otherwise.

He tightened the grip around the hot cup of coffee and yanked it towards him. The strength was overwhelming, which caused her to let go.

However much to his dismay and her delight, the coffee cap flew open and it spilled all over him. In her mind she thought that the jerk deserved it.

Considering that the coffee was still rather hot, she figured it'd leave a burn or two on him.

Tiffany looked at him and apologized for the mess that sh- well the two of them had caused.

He looked over at her, irritation clearly written on his face. She simply gave him back an irritated face.

"Hey smartie are you happy now? Look at the mess you've made, do you have any idea how expensive this suit is!"

Tiffany was mad at the fact that he thought that it was all her fault. He should have been a gentleman not a stuck-up brat.

"Excuse me sir I took that cup first, there are other cups of coffee on that table", as she pointed to it "so you could have just taken one from there in the beginning and this would have not happened. So before you go pointing accusing fingers, think before you talk!"

"Exactly. There were other cups on the table so why couldn't you have gotten another one?" he replied emphazing on other.

Her raging temper got the best of her, which led to her to take a glass of water that was on a table.

She held in firmly in her hands before throwing its contents onto the latter.

The water dripped down his already stained suit. He was confused at first, but confusion was later turned to anger.

Tiffany took her things from the table and walked out of the conference.

Was it so hard for him to be a gentleman?

Many thoughts flew through her mind, a few with colourful words.

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Tiffany POV
It had been two months since that incident. I was demoted to an assistant. Everyone in my department already knew of my fierce temper and its outcome.

My mom was so mad that I got demoted.

When I had gotten home the day I was demoted and told her the reason why, she gave me one of her long, boring lectures.

I just ignored her because I was not in the mood to listen to that crap.

She had even gone as far as to say that she thought that if I got married, how much easier it would be for her and how much better I would become.

That honestly scared me a bit because I'm currently single and plan to be for the rest of my life.

I never really believed in something like love.

Love to me was just one of those ridiculous things that only exist in fairy tales. It should have never been there.

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