Chapter 1 - Super

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"Stiles!" I groan as my dad shouts up at me from the kitchen.

"Yeah, what?" I sit up on my bed from where I was lying down, exhausted from last night. The pack we're training while Lydia and I were trying to comb through the bestiary.

"Don't put your bat in the middle of the floor!" 

"Sorry!" I shout my apology and get up. I chuck on a new shirt not bothering to fully change or get a quick shower before I leave. We were up all night and still we have a pack meeting at 9am are they trying to kill me? I grab my car keys and go downstairs. 

This house reminded me of my mum in so many ways. There are too many memories and pictures to ever forget she was real, and sadly I do want to forget her or at least the version that the wild hunt created. I want to erase her from my brain. 

"Want anything to eat?" I shook my head at my dad and say goodbye before leaving for a pack meeting. I'm exhausted and  dreading today. While driving to school I turn up the radio to distract me from my thoughts. My thoughts was a dangerous place to be for me these days and I did everything I could to avoid thinking at all of the past few years. The faster I'm out Beacon Hills the better. It's funny, I used to be scared of losing my friends after school and hated the idea of leaving my dad here unprotected. But everything has changed now. The wild hunt was the last jump for me. I want out. 

I park outside of the same woods I dragged Scott into all those years ago. The nostalgia. 

"Scott, did we really have to be up this early?" I ask rubbing my eyes, still half asleep.

"Yes Stiles, Maybe you should go to bed earlier?"

"What are you my dad?" I shot back at him not wanting to hear how amazing he his and how I'm the weaker child in the relationship right now.

"Anyway Liam caught a different scent yesterday but couldn't find anything so let's go find whoever it is and see if they a threat." Derek spoke out . "Any problems?"

"Yeah, what's the point in me being here? I can't track a scent."  I speak in a tired voice. I don't want to be here.

"Stiles' has got  point. If it is a threat we can't protect him. And we would be quicker on our own." Malia says, looking at me to make sure I'm okay with her thoughts. I nod back to her.

"No, Stiles is apart of this pack. Lydia and Mason are coming and they can't go as fast as us, and Mason' human. Stiles you're coming." Scott speaks all alpha-y before heading into the woods. Liam, Corey, Mason all follow first. Then Malia, Derek and Peter go too leaving Lydia with me. 

"There is something off about you? What is it?" She asks me through narrowed eyes.

"I want to leave."

"The pack? Stiles-" I cut her off.

"No. I want to leave everything. The pack, Beacon Hills, the supernatural. The whole lot." My vision doesn't leave my feet on the leave ridden ground.

"W-why?" I could tell from the break in he voice she was going to cry.

"Because I'm sick of it all. My mum was brought back in the wild hunt in my place for my dad and he was happier. Everything is different between us now, it's like he didn't want the wild hunt to stop. I'm not wanted by my own ather and I'm useless to the pack. I just want to get out from the hellish place." I take  a deep breath before continuing. "I've talked to my Uncle in New York, He said I could stay with him for awhile until I wanted to back here.  I think I'm gonna go." 

"But Stiles. What about us? What about me? What will I do without you?" I looked up to see tears falling from her eyes. Lydia and I have been getting close recently. We had both said we loved each other but we never officially got together. I pull her into a hug.

"Lydia. You're the only thing I love in Beacon Hills. Please just, d-don't die." She grips onto me tighter.

"I love you. I know we never put a name on it and with everything going on it's probably not the right time...again, but I wish we had."

"So do I." We stayed like that just hugging and crying a little for a while. "You know I'm surprised a little puppy hasn't interrupted us by now." Lydia laughed a little and pulled away. 

"I think you should go to your Uncles. At least for a little bit. If that's what you need to do then do it, but I swear if you don't stay in touch with me I will go over there and murder you." I laugh and she hits my arm a little. "I'm serious!"

"Okay, okay. I promise to call you often." A small smirk lands on my lips as she huffed.

"I guess that's fine then. I was expecting more of a call everyday and facetimes at night and texts throughout the day but it'll do." We both laugh and chat waiting for the others to contact us because it would be stupid for us to go out after them now. 

I really do love that strawberry blonde.

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