Chapter 5 - Old Friends

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It's been about two weeks since I gave my very brief explanation to my uncle and he still is yet to ask about it again. In this time I have managed to get fired from two jobs. Apparently being a waiter is not my forte, who would have known? I keep feeling useless like I can't do anything and I feel bad for invading my uncles space and not helping in any way. Saying that though he does seem to work to the extreme and I thought I did a lot of sleepless nights before in Beacon Hills.

I was currently scouring the newspapers for any jobs that are available that isn't catering. I think I've had my fair share with that whole side of things. I was constantly coming up empty handed, except for the pile of newspapers that now occupied my bedroom floor. 

"Hey Stiles, you in?" Oh Phil must be back now from his two day work trip. One of these days I will find out what is job is.

"Yeah just a sec!" I call out throwing down the last newspaper and go into the living room to find my uncle and another man. Who is he? He looks on edge for some reason. "who's this?"

"This is a work college that just needs to stay the night here before going home. Is that alright?" I nod my head and he hand out his hand to me.

"I'm Clint Barton, nice to meet you I've heard a lot about you." I shake his hand and laugh.

"Well I am the famous Stiles Stilinski afterall." I smile and look to Phil.

"How's the trip? Wait let me guess, boring? the same as usual? maybe a little hint as to what you do?" Phil and Clint then laugh at my behaviour.

"I'll tell you one thing, you're going to find out soon. Just wait and see." He then walks into another room carrying Clint's bag with him. I guess he will be staying on the sofa in the Study as it's more comfortable than the one I'm on now. I feel kind of guilty that I'm taking up the guest room.

I turn on the Xbox and play a few rounds of COD before realising the time. Just then Clint walked in.

"Hey I'm going out to get dinner, Mexican alright?" Ah, Mexican. Good times with young older Derek, or is it Miguel?

"Yeah, Mexican is great." I smile a bit to myself and return to my game. I was winning and I wasn't going to give up now.

I actually haven't called anyone fro Beacon Hills in a while. Four days to be exact. I didn't keep up my promise to Lydia, she's gonna kill me. 

We were just finishing up the clearing away after dinner. It was fun with Clint here, he's an alright guy though I do seem to think I recognize him from somewhere. I just don't know where from.

"So Phil, you said you would tell me where you work finally." I press with a smile on my face.

"Now now don't push it. But I won't be telling you. I will actually be showing you tomorrow eight o'clock  sharp. So you better be ready." OMG! this is going to be so cool. What happens if it turns out that he is like a postman or something mundane like that? That would be embarrassing that's for sure. But I'm convinced he's a spy.

"Oh I wouldn't miss it for the world. I'm going to bed. Night!"



I slam my finger down on the stop button of my phone groaning. Why did I have to be awake at half seven in the morning to be ready for eight? Why do the Gods hate me?

I quickly get dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and a smart-ish jacket after my quick shower. I walk out my room going to the kitchen but stop when I hear Clint say my name.

"Are you sure Stiles is ready for this?" Ready for what?

"Yes, he is the strongest boy I know. Which as you know says a lot. I know it's the right time to do this."

"Okay if you're certain." I decide to make my presence known now buy stepping into the room. 

"Oh morning Stiles. Ready?" My uncle asks me. I'm just curious about the conversation they just had. What would I be ready for? I think I'm pretty damn ready for anything with all that I've seen. Not that they know that tough.

"Yeah you?" 

"Yep. Right bye Clint say journey home." They both say goodbyes to one another and I said mine to Clint before we finally left.

"So wanna give me a heads up about where we are going?" I ask in the car. I think my energy levels are a bit all over the place this morning because I'm oddly wide awake at this ungodly hour. 

"Lets just say you won't miss it. And Stiles I know you didn't tell me everything before. These people I work for will be interested in you. But you're a smart boy so just don't say too much to one person alright?" Now my interest has peaked. They want to know about me! It better not be some kind of underground thing.#

"Can you hurry up the car I want to get there so much quicker now." Phil only laughs at my excited face.

"Only you Stiles, only you." 

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