Chapter 17 - Pack

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I sipped my coffee that I bought from the small café I was sitting in and scrolled through my contacts and stopped when I came upon the desired name. I click on call and prayed he picked up.

"Stiles? It's been ages, what's up?" 

"Hey Scott. How's everyone?"

"Good, I've been away from the pack a bit though because I got into college. Lydia started a year a head, I have no idea how she does it though. Malia is just back from Paris, in fact we were all planning to meet up tomorrow."

"Mind if I tagged along?"

"You're coming back!" 

"Temporarily, I just need to tell you all something."

"Oh, okay. Well I'll pass on the news, make sure everyone's there."

"Thanks, I'll see you in a days. Bye." I hang up and place my phone back in my pocket. I looked at the people walking past, discretely through my sunglasses. I had moved to Washington D.C, not wanting or able to go back to Phil's old apartment.

 I had managed to store quite a decent amount of cash from my time at SHEILD and Tony lent me a fair amount, that I swear at some point I will pay him back.  I had a small place, it wasn't much but it'll do for the time being. I also met a couple other people here that were nice. I go jogging often in the morning and I met a cool guy called Sam Wilson. 

I downed the rest of my coffee and left a ten dollar tip before leaving. I walked through the crowded streets, assessing everyone that walked a little too close to me. To say that I was paranoid was an understatement. 

Luckily the news didn't find anything out about the avenger Trickster, or all my covers would be blown and I honestly don't want the fame. It's just nice to see that people are still living and those aliens aren't still here. 

 I finally got back home and started packing a bag and booked plane tickets online, for in the morning. Tomorrow I was going back to Beacon Hills.

The plane journey was awful. I'm so nervous.

What if I see my dad? What if they hate me? What if they don't believe me? What if coming back here will trigger void? 

I had got a cab to drop me off near my old high school and texted Scott.

To Scott:

Hey I'm at the school where r all u?

From Scott:

Heading there right now 

I set my bag down that held only the bare essentials and lent against the old building. So much has happened here, so many deaths. It's a wonder people still come here. I heard a distinct howl and smiled slightly.  Scott.

A couple cars pulled up, while Scott, Derek, Liam, Theo, Malia and Peter were running on their feet. Out from the cars came Lydia, Mason, Corey, Jackson and Ethan. I didn't know Jackson and Ethan were back, and since when was Theo and Peter members of the pack? I guess I missed a lot. 

"Stiles!" Lydia screamed running up to me and tackling me in a hug. "You didn't call! You horrible, horrible person I hate you." She said all this not letting go of me and I laughed. She finally pulled away only for Scott to tackle me.

"I missed you so much." He then took in my new buffed up figure. "Did you actually exercise for once? You look, different." I wave it off for now. The others each in turn greeted me in their own ways, but Derek surprised me the most when he pulled me in for a hug.

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