Chapter 49 - Endgame part 1

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I keep seeing people in the shadows, but I know it's just my mind. 

I swear I'm going crazy. 

It's been a long time. I lost track but it feels like years. 

I wish I was dead permanently, and not have to go through this hell. 

I guess no one is going to come and save me. 

I still have all my tools, and my bat. I got so mad at the world that I tried to kill myself, again. Nothing happened. That's how little hope I have left.

"Don't be so fast to dismiss hope. It's only been five years." Void said. Wait, five years!

"It's been five years?" 


"Shit." I see a far away light in the distance. It seems to be getting bigger as I stare at it. I rub my eyes and look to see if I was imagining it. I wasn't. I swear this light is real. "Void, what is that?"


My breathing gets quicker as I wait nervously to see what happens. I see a silhouette of someone, a girl. Behind her three more figures appear. 

"What the hell is happening Void?" 

"Just wait and see." He whispers before going quiet.  The figures come closer as the white light expands wider. This is freaky.

I peer closely looking at the figures. The women had long hair and was wearing a tight dress with a jacket. The other figures were all men, all with jackets on. Who are they?

"Stiles." The women says, holding a hand out to me. it? Can it be? 

"Lydia?" Tears roll down my cheeks as I now see who they were. Lydia, Scott, Derek and Peter. "Oh my god." I run up to them and engulf them all in a hug. Peter and Derek were somewhat reluctant. 

"Stiles. Get off." I didn't even roll my eyes at Peter this time. I was just so glad to see another human being. "What is this place? Last thing I remember I was turning into dust." I sigh, they didn't know.

"Thanos got all the stones, and he wiped out half of all living things." I say, before explaining more to the confused Hales.

"How long has it been? Do you know?" Scott asks me. I nod but never get the chance to answer. 

"It's been five years. And we need you to fight." I turn around to see Strange. 

"Dr Strange, I'm so glad to see you. Did you know this would happen. That I would feel every second of the time that has past." He simply nodded. "Dick. Could of given me a warning." 

"Stiles, this is the wizard?" I nod at Derek. 

"May I ask, Are you Derek, Scott, Peter and Lydia?" Strange asks. How does he know their names I'm going to put it all to the time stone.

"Yeah, now you said we needed to fight?" Derek responded. This will either turn out really god or a nightmare. My two worlds colliding. Avenging and supernatural. 

"Yes, go through this portal, be careful. You won't be alone." We nod in understanding and watch as Strange creates a portal before disappearing. I turn to the others.

"Right, so just to be warned, I'm going to let Void get temporary control. So don't pay attention to me if I'm being a dick." They look at me if I've lost my mind.

"You are letting his have more control over you?"

"Just trust me." I say before closing my eyes, searching for void. I felt a switch inside me and my eyes opened. A smirk on my face, I swung my bat over my shoulder. "Now, it's time to play."

Lydia follows first, with Scott and the others after her. As I stepped out through the portal I looked around. It was utter devastation. 

More portals appeared around us, letting more and more people through, ready to fight. I saw Spiderman drop down next to the Guardians and Strange and I felt a sense of relief wash over me. 

Cap came to the front. He looked bad, and beaten up. But none the less determined as ever. I noticed that his shield had been cut in half. As the Wakandans started chanting, I looked over at my pack and smirked. 

Scott was on my left, claws at the ready. Lydia on my right, still supporting her idea that a women can do anything in heels. And the Hales behind them, all wolfed out. Void was visible on my face, the dark circles under my eyes and my relaxed attitude, all were signs pointing it out. 

A giant ant-man appeared from under a crashed alien ship. He let down more of the avengers. Everyone was shouting and ready for the battle to begin. I saw Thanos look slightly worried at the power we all have. Good.

"Avengers!" Cap shouts as Thor's hammer flies into his hand. I know he could hold it! I swung my bat into my hand, ready to hit some aliens with it. "Assemble." 

Everyone charges forward into battle. Like it really was like some old time war fight, just with aliens, superhero's and werewolves. We quickly caught up to the aliens and sprung into action. The pack and I sticking together. 

I knocked them down while Lydia crushed their skulls with her scream. I saw Scott get into a little bit of a bind with three aliens and run over to help. We stood back to back, beating the shit out of all the aliens that came at us.

"Just like old times Scott!" I shout over the battle.

"We have very different memories!" He shouts back making me laugh as I kill another. 

I saw Clint running with the gauntlet, trying to make it past everyone alive. He then past it on to T'Challa who was running nearer to me. I started to run towards him as I saw him get into some trouble with, the ground? Magic people confuse me. 

"T'Challa! Throw it!" I shout and he does so. I catch it and start running. Running where I don't know just yet. Aliens started to surround me, my pack was beside me trying to keep me away from them the best they could. 

"Stiles!" I look up to see Peter, Spiderman, swing over me. I throw up the gauntlet and one of his webs catches it. He keeps going out of my sight. I grab my bat again and get back to work. 

In the corner of my eye I see a swirl of water coming nearer to us, but that's not my problem right now. Suddenly something, or someone just destroys Thaons's ship entirely. The thing stops at Spiderman and gets the gauntlet. 

"Void who is that?"

Captain Marvel, she's a friend.

"I'll take your work for it." 

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