Chapter 23 - Ghosts

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"Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?" I rolled my eyes as cameras flashed behind Nat and I as we sat in these uncomfortable chairs. For some reason Nat dragged me into attending but Cap got out of it. 

"I don't know what there is left for him to say, I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point rather  eloquently." Nat said, obviously getting annoyed. 

"Well, he could explain how this country is expected to maintain it's national security now that he and you both have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus." I roll my eyes and leaned into my mic from my slouching position. 

"Yeah and thank god we did otherwise millions, maybe even yourself would be dead. HYDRA was giving you lies, that's not intelligence." Nat gave me a little nod, showing that she agreed.

"Many of which you seemed to have a hand in telling, especially you Romanoff." 

"Agents, you should both know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your service record, both for and against this country, that you two belong in a penitentiary. Not mouthing off on Capitol Hill." I scoff.

"And I'm guessing you are one of those people." I spoke and looked over at Nat, done with these people.

"You're not going to throw us in prison. You're not going to put any of us in a prison. You know why?"

"Do enlighten us." 

"Because you need us. Yes, the world is a vulnerable place, and yes we help make it that way. But we're also the ones best qualified to defend it. So, if you wanna arrest us, arrest us. You know where to find us." Nat and I stood up and walked out, camera flashes covering the whole thing. 

Once we were out we started out drive to Fury's gravestone. It's where we're meeting the others. 

"Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me, right here." We walked up behind Fury as he gave us a little nod before disappearing to god knows where. 

"You should be honored. That's about as close as he gets to saying thank you." Nat spoke out making Cap and Sam turn to us.

"Not going with him?" Cap asked. I shook my head.

"I'm done with government crap." He nods understandably and turns his focus to Nat.


"Not staying here?" 

"Nah, I blew all my covers, I gotta find a new one."

"That might take a while."

"I'm counting on it." I cough slightly making them both aware that there are other people here too. "That thing you asked for. I called in a few favours from Kiev. Will you do me a favour? Call that nurse." 

"She's not a nurse."

"And you're not a SHEILD agent." 

"What was her name again?"

"Sharon. Be careful Steve." Okay I'm bored of this conversation. Nat walked off and Cap opened up the file she gave him. Sam came over to us.

"You're going after him aren't you?" Sam questioned but it was more like a statement. I scoffed playfully.

"Course he is." 

"You two don't have to come with me." I share a look with Sam and he nods.

"We know. It's not like I can die or anything, and it's not a huge tragedy if we lose Sammy boy over here." I smirk as he hit my shoulder.

"When do we start?" 

"We just did." 

Cap and Sam were leaving today for Germany to find more information about HYDRA. Fury had requested to see me though today and as he never does anything like this I knew it was important. 

I sat wearing sunglasses and a baseball hat to cover my face as I adjusted my backpack. I finally found the right café and sat at a table, swinging my bag by my feet. 

I was looking around for Nick when my eyes landed on a very familiar person. He was in a grey suit like always and a small smile on his face. I froze in shook as he sat down opposite me. 

"P-Phil? How, I-I don't-"

"Loki didn't kill me. I was set up to die to push the idea of the Avengers on. It seems like it worked." When I didn't respond to his light joke he knew something was wrong. "Look, I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you but it would of put you in danger. I hope I'm not too late, and that you'll forgive me." I looked at him and saw Loki stab him, his legs giving up and him crumbling to the floor.

"You let me think you were dead for this long? I didn't have anyone!" He looks down sadly.

"I know, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Tears threatened to roll down my face but I pushed them back.

"Of course I forgive you!" We both get up and pull each other into a tight hug. "Just next time you're going to die, tell me." We both chuckle and let each other go.

We spent the day catching up and I told him about the fact that I can't really die. He obviously had question and so did I as it seems he has been leading some sort of team of SHEILD Agents. I still cant believe he is alive and that he didn't die at the hands of Loki.

For the first time in a long while, I was truly happy as I had got part of my family back. 


Okay this is short I know but new film next chapter! 

I have never watched the Agents of SHEILD so sorry there are not much detail about that.

Next chapter will be soon, promise Xx

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