Chapter 42 - War begins

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It has been a little while longer and not much has happened. Though I heard in the news that Tony and Pepper are engaged which is nice. I have been devoting my time to try and sort out what the visions I keep getting are. They got worse and I knew it wasn't just Void messing with me. 

I am now in New York, and after chasing down another empty lead I just sat down on a random bench and stayed there. People keep looking at me weirdly. I just play games on my phone, listening to music through my headphones. 

I don't know why I can't figure out what is coming and it's doing my head in. I am meant to be able to figure this out. I haven't heard from Cap, Nat or Sam in a while either. 

I kept my eye on Spiderman as well by watching him on YouTube. I have got to admit, he has some skills. Though he has a lot he could improve on. 

Stiles, get up. He's coming!

I snap my head up quickly and void speaks. I take out my earphones and stuff them in my old sports bag, that contained all of my stuff. A bit of food and water, guns, my katana, a few throwing knifes, my suit and some ordinary clothes. I carry it most places now, not trusting anywhere else to keep it. 

I sling the bag over my shoulders and go down a small alleyway to a fire escape. I quickly climb up it and scale to the rooftop of the tall building. I look over the city for any sign of damage or chaos. Then I look up. 

I donut shaped spaceship was flying down from the sky. People started to run manic, I could hear their screams from the roof. 

I open my bag and take out my suit. I had upgraded it in my spare time, and by breaking into a few shops here and there. It was still fully black with electric blue lines outlining it. Though my shoes were more flexible and way more comfortable. I also no longer had gloves or sleeves, as they were just kind of useless. My hood was made of much thicker and withstanding material and would no longer flop down from time to time when I am fighting. I also improved a lot of my weapons.

I find it strange to be in my suit again, not used to the feel of it. But I love it. I defiantly missed part of the job. 

I made sure I had all my weapons before ditching my bag and start running along the rooftops of building to get to the spaceship that wasn't far away. Once there I hid, waiting and watching. 

I look down to the street to see Tony Stark and Bruce Banner of all people with two other guys that had some sort of magic. Since when was Banner even on Earth? And why out of everyone does Tony have to be here? 

One of the wizard guys does a magic thing which seems to make everything stop. I guess aliens didn't like that as a blue beam shines down like a way of teleportation. Sure enough two ugly ass aliens appear. 

I ready my katana, waiting to see what happens. 

"Hear me, and rejoice. You are about to die at the hands of the children of Thanos. Be thankful that your meaningless lives now contribute to-" The smaller alien start speaking but of course Tony interrupts. 

"I'm sorry Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get out of here." Ergh, he gets on my nerves. 

"Stone keeper, does this chattering animal speak for you?" The wizard guy has a stone? An infinity stone? Oh yeah you bet I did my research.

"Certainly not I speak for myself. You're trespassing in this city and on this planet." Okay I think I like him. 

"That means get lost squidward." Tony shouts as well.

"He exhausts me. Bring me the stone." The leading alien says to the muscle. I see Banner try and fail to bring out the hulk as the alien gets nearer so I get myself ready to jump. Tony puts on his newest suit. And I gotta say nice suit.

I step up into the ledge and jump down onto the aliens back and stab it with my katana. I feel a weird energy pulse through me as I push my katana in more. It's like a surge of strength. The alien yells out in pain before shaking me off like a bug and I land in a roll on the ground. Tony then uses his new tech to blast it away. 

"Hey Tony, it's been a while." I don't get a response as Banner yells out.

"What the hell was that?" 

"It's nano tech, you like it? I little something I-" The ground comes up from beneath him and sends him away. I turn back towards the alien.

"Hey, Bruce. Shame we don't have time to catch up." I tell him smirking. I love a good fight.  One of the wizards outs up a shield as tress were being sent flying towards us. 

"Hey Stiles. I heard what happened with the team." I nod sadly. 

"Mr Banner, if the rest of your green friend won't be joining us." The wizard send him through a portal, hopefully somewhere safe. 

"I'm Stiles, or Trickster." I introduce myself.

"Dr Strange, and that's Wong." I nod at the two. Tony then comes flying back in and blast a car back at the alien, but it makes no difference. 

"We gotta get that stone out of here now." Tony says, avoiding me. I roll my eyes at his pettiness.

"It stays with me." Dr Strange argues.

"Exactly, bye." Tony then flies towards the alien but doesn't stand a chance. I start laughing as he is dragged through a building by metal claw thing. The two wizards give me a weird look.

"What?" I sigh, knowing what the look they were giving me meant. "I'm not insane just like seeing Stark get hurt, it's funny." I sound voidish. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. 

I stopped talking when a sharp blade of stone pierced my arm. I pulled it out and got behind Strange and Wong as they used their magic. I ran around on the street while the alien was distracted and started shooting at it. Though I realised my mistake when all the bullets just ended up flying back towards me. 

I saw Wong get flown back and Strange wrap a magic rope around him but his plan backfired. They flew down the streets and I saw Strange being flown back somehow from the alien. 

"Oh no." I mutter as the alien flies on stones and broken pavement over to me. 

"You are an interesting one. Thanos could use you." I try fighting him with my katana put it's useless. All the hits I got barely scratched the aliens skin. I was thrown back into the side of a wall with a wave of his hand. 

"Ow." I groan. I feel my body being lifted up into the air. A familiar feeling of paralysis washes over me. "No, no, not again!" 

 I try to see what's going on but I am very constricted with what I am able to see. A blue light glows around me and I travel upwards to the spaceship. 

You could have fought at least a little better Stiles.

Shut up Void. Now is not the time. 

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