Chapter 12 - Threat

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"Agent Coulson, I have a mission for you. Get to the quinjet immediately."

Fury's voice broke my thoughts and I pulled myself together a little.

"Yes Sir." I replied.

I changed out of the plain jacket and trousers I was wearing into my usual combat suit. Slowly I move to look at myself in the mirror. It still wasn't me. What can I do to stop this? Maybe call Deaton or Derek? Peter even, just not Scott or Lydia. I can't put them through this pain again, last time we lost Alison and Aiden.

I examined my hand that the tesseract had wrapped itself around. The burns marks had disappeared. It was like it never happened.

I get onto the quinjet to see Cap in his blue and red uniform. Romanoff was flying the jet. I took a seat as the jet took off and we all sat in silence.

"How'd you get into SHIELD?" I looked up at Cap. "It wasn't in your file."

"My uncle is Agent Coulson, hence the same last name. Just call me Stiles though." He nodded. I know he knew I didn't really answer his question, but he didn't press it.

"We're here. Stuttgart, Germany." Romanoff informed us as slowed down. I looked out the front window at the mess on the ground. People were kneeling, surrounded by holograms of Loki. Then one man stood up against him.

"Cap, it's your time." He nodded and jumped out. Romanoff and I stayed in the quinjet and watched in case he needed backup.

"Loki, drop the weapon and stand down." I spoke through the speaker which seemed to aggravate him. He shot a blast of blue energy at us but Romanoff managed to dodge it. They quickly started fighting hand to hand.

"This guy's all over the place." She muttered beside me. Suddenly rock music started playing.

"Agent Romanoff, you miss me?" Is that Tony Stark? I shoot her a questioning look but she just shakes her head. We watch as Iron Man lands and aims all his weaponry at the god, Cap soon to join him at his side. Loki's armor disappeared to show civil clothing. Romanoff landed the jet, picked them up and set off again to SHIELD.

This seemed to easy, why would a god let us capture him? I stole a glance at his sceptre, it was beautiful but deadly.

Power. Threat.

No, not now. I blinked a couple times and scrunched up my eyes trying to rid my head of his voice. I need to tell someone about this. It was then that I noticed Loki smirking at me.

"I don't like it." Cap muttered to Stark and I stood up.

"What? Rock of ages giving up so easily?" Tony bit back.

"I don't remember it being that easy."

"It's not, trust me." I cut in keeping my voice low.

"Well still you are pretty spry for an older fellow. What's you trick? Pilates?" I shake my head at Stark.


"It's like yoga. You might have missed a couple things, you know from severing time as a capsicle." I cough to make him stop as he went to far.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in."

"Fury doesn't tell you a lot of things." I spoke making them both look at me. Lightning started to flash outside.

"Where's this coming from?"I notice Loki getting a bit nervous, so does Cap.

"What's the matter, scared of a little lightning?"

"I'm not overly fond of what follows." Huh? Thunder?


I smack my head with my hand to get the voice out. No one noticed my struggle with myself though as something hit us, or landed on us from above. Everyone burst into action, Tony put his helmet on, Cap grabbed his shield and helmet, and I cracked my knuckles. Stark opened up the doors to go outside.

"What're you doing?" I shouted over the winds. A man with a red cape dropped down from above, he held only a hammer? Loki even looked a little scared now. The man used his hammer to push Stark away and grabbed Loki, somehow flying of with him.

"Now there's that guy."

"Another asgardian?" Romanoff asked us but no one could give her an answer. Except...Thor was an asgardian, Thor God of Thunder. Did, he, warn me? No I'm going crazy. I then notice that Stark had flew off after them and Cap was following them.

"Don't you even think about following them Stiles." I roll my eyes and my ex-trainer.

"What do you think will happen?"

"I don't know."

We had finally managed to get back to SHIELD in one piece. Thor joining us. It turns out he actually was Thor God of Thunder, which means I have no idea what to do now. Is the nogitsune helping me now, after all the time he spent torturing me?

"It's an impressive cage. Not built, I think for me." Loki's cocky voice came from the footage we were all watching as Fury spoke to him.

"Built for something a lot stronger, than you."

"Oh I've heard."Loki turned to look at the camera, straight at us. "A mindless beast makes play he's still a man. And don't forget the teenager holding a darkness inside him that no human could ever imagine to try and understand." All eyes went from Banner to me, confusion clung to each person. "How desperate are you to call on such lost creatures?"

"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war, you steal a force you can't hope to control, you talk about peace and you kill cause it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did."

"Ohh, it burns you to have come so close. To have the tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share. And then to be reminded what real power is. I'm not the real threat here."

"Oh yeah, tell me when 'Real Power' wants a magazine." I stopped watching then as did the rest of them. He was talking about me. If Void really back the, I could snap and kill everyone here in a second. I couldn't look at any of them.

"He really grows on you doesn't he." Banner spoke, breaking the silence.

"What did he mean? A teenager holding darkness that no human could understand. What did he mean Stiles?" I looked up at Romanoff and then at the others. I sighed, hesitating.

"I-I think the tesseract did something to me. When it grabbed me on the day Loki arrived."

"What?" Cap said shocked, Thor also gained close attention.

"I can't explain it but..." I took out a small dagger I always carry and press it to my hand. Romanoff tried to stop me but she was too late, a deep line of red was now along the palm of my hand. Everyone watched as the wound healed itself over, leaving nothing but a red mark from the blood. Thor the grabbed me and looked into my eyes.

"Void. It's inside you." I shove him off, everyone was silent.

"What does that mean? Stiles?" Cap asked confused.

"It means nothing, now let's get back to work." I say before leaving the room.

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