Chapter 44 - Guardians Of The Galaxy

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"Okay what's going on?" I perked up my head as I felt the ship sway side to side a little. 

"I think we are here." I stand up and look out of the window and see a new planet. This is so awesome.

"I don't think this thing has a self park function." Tony worried out loud. "Get your hand inside the steering gimble. Close those around it. You understand?" I watch as Peter and Tony put one hand into the steering things. "This is meant for one big guy so we got to move it at the same time."

"Okay, yeah. Ready." We entered the planets atmosphere and the ground became closer and closer. I saw huge star shaped buildings that looked trashed and abandoned. 

"Turn, guys Turn!" I yell as the ship collided into one of the structures. I see some of the ship fall to the ground as I back away from the front window. Strange puts up some shields around us. The ship crashes into the ground and slowly comes to a stop.9

"Are you alright?" I nod at Strange and help Peter up.

"That was close. I owe you one." I hear Tony say.

"That was close? That was a disaster. We now have no way to get back to Earth. I am going to have to live forever on this awesome but creepy planet, and that is if Thanos doesn't kill me first which would make that what four times now?" I rant on.

"You know not everyone is as lucky as you. They don't come back when they die." I was about to retaliate when Strange intervened.

"Both of you shut up. We have bigger problems right now." I roll my eyes and walk a little ways back from Tony.

"Let me just say that if aliens wind up implanting eggs into my chest or something and I eat you guys I'm sorry." I laugh at Peters remark.

"I do not want another single, pop culture reference idea for the rest of the trip, you understand?" Them two should make a comedy TV show. Honestly it's hilarious and that's coming from me.

"I'm trying to say that something is coming." I quickly snap awake and go for my katana. Shit I forgot, the alien took it from me. I grab my two knifes instead. 

Something then rolled into the room with us and exploded, pushing us all back. A small group of people? aliens? I don't even know anymore, came in. A multi-coloured guys came in shouting but Strange's cape took care of him. Tony went one on one with a flying guy with a mask on. 

They are no threat. Don't bother. It would be a waste of your time.

I listened to void and stood back, leaning against the ship wall watching as it all went down. I saw that Peter was being held by mask guy and Tony had a gun at the other alien. There was another alien who had been webbed up by Peter as well. 

"Everybody stay where you are, chill the f out." He unmasked himself showing that he was human. Sweet. "I'm going to ask you one time. Where is Gamora?" Where is who now?

"Yeah I'll do you one better. Who is Gamora?"

"I'll do you one better. Why is Gamora?" Huh? is the alien an idiot?

"Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I will French fry this little freak." I looked to Peter, slightly worried now. What if Void was playing me.

"Okay, lets do it. You shoot my guy and I'll blast him." Tony shouted back. 

"Do it Quill, I can take it." I looked at him unimpressed as I saw the massive gun Tony had pointed at his head.

"No he can't take it!" At least the girl alien has some common sense.

"She's right, he can't." Strange says unimpressed.

"Oh yeah you don't want to tell me where she is, that's fine. I'll kill all four of you and I'll beat it out of Thanos myself!" Ah so Void was right. "Starting with you!"

"Wait what? Alright let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?" What? Strange what sort of question is that?

"What master do I serve? What am I supposed to say Jesus?" Oh this guy and I are going to be great friends. 

"You're from Earth?" Tony asked, visibly bored of all this.  

"I'm not from Earth I'm from Missouri." 

"Yeah that's on Earth dipshit. What are you hassling on us for?" Oh this is hilarious. I laugh quietly to myself. I love seeing Tony mad. 

"So you're not with Thanos?" Peter mumbled.

"With Thanos? No! I'm here to kill Thanos, he took my girl- wait who are you?" Peter unmasked himself and answered.

"We're the Avengers man." I just know he loved saying that. Peter was then let go.

"You are the ones Thor told us about." Wait what? They know Thor.

"You know Thor?" I say, finally coming out and entering the group.

"Yeah, tall guy, not that good looking needed saving." Why did he need to be saved? And how in the world is he not good looking. He is a freaking god!

"Where is he now?"

"To get some weapon to kill Thanos with a few of my guys." I sigh, this is boring and Thanos could arrive at any time.

"Right, cool he's a god I'm sure he will be fine. Thanos may come any time from now on so we need a plan. Oh an can we breath the air out on the planet? Because some of us can only die once?" I say, giving Tony a hard glare in the process. 

"Yeah, it's safe. So who are you? I mean you didn't exactly put up a fight earlier on." I roll my eyes at the man.

"I'm Stiles, or Trickster as some people know me as. And I knew you weren't a threat so why bother fighting." I saw Tony giving me a look of disbelief but I shrugged it off. 

"Cool. I'm Peter Quill, or Starlord." I smirk and shake hands with the guy. Then an idea pops into my head.

"Do you happen to have any spare weapons on board the ship, that I presume you came on? My was...confiscated." I look back and smile at Tony.

"Sure, come with me." I follow him outside and then onto his ship. It was pretty awesome but also messy as hell which I can relate to. "Here, pick whatever." I nod and look over the pile of weapons. These are way better than any human tech. 

I grab a medium sized gun and put it in my empty holster and then I see something that looked familiar. I went over to it and pick it up by the handle. I was a metal baseball bat. Why the hell is one of these things up in space?

"Oh that? I found it in the trash one day and kept it. Reminded me of baseball back on Earth." Quill says behind me.

"Yeah. I used to use my own one of these to fight people with. It didn't always work though." I say shrugging about to put it back but Quill stops me.

"This one was modified by my pal Rocket. It's pretty tough and breaks basically anything. Keep it. Might help." I nod and thank him. It's just like the old times.

I swing it over my shoulder and head out of the ship to the others, smirking as I walked.

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