Chapter 27 - Red Magic Stuff

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"Don't compare me to Stark!" We over hear Ultron as we sneak up behind him. "It's a thing with me. Stark is, he's a sickness!"

"Ah Junior. You're gonna break your old mans heart." Stark says as I stand next to Cap and Thor. 

"If I have too."

"Nobody has to break anything." Thor speaks up.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet." Ultron retaliated. To be honest he sounds like Stark.

"He beat me by one second." See, they are very similar.

"Ah, yes. He's funny. Mr Stark. It's what comfortable? Like old times." The speedster spoke out, clearly he has some issues with Tony as well. Did he just piss of everyone. 

"This was never my life."

"You two can still walk away from this." I scoff quietly at Cap. No one would back away if they think they are more powerful than their opponent.

"Oh we will." The girl speaks confidently, proving the point I made to myself.

"I know you've suffered." Ultron breaks up the conversation by acting like he's being sick.

"Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..." 

"If you believe in peace, then let us keep it." I stopped him.

 "I think you're confusing peace with quiet."

"Uh-huh. What's the vibranium for?" Tony chipped in.

"I'm glad you asked that, because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan." Okay that was actually funny. What wasn't funny was robots coming down on us. 

I pushed one off the side just for it to come straight back at me, knocking me off the walkway. I grab onto a stay piece of metal, the sharp edges cutting into my hands, and pull myself up. I jump at the robot and somehow mange to successfully get onto its back. I dig my hands into the tough metal and tear it apart. I then jump off it and back onto the walkway. 

People where now shooting at us all and I saw Nat and Cint taking them down. Speedster then decides its a great time to run by and knock me to the floor. I get up quickly and laugh as he is thrown into a bunch of rubbish down below. 

"Thor, status." 

"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care. I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty."  Yeah he's not sounding to great.

"Thor, you alright?" I ask and get no reply, from anyone. I spot a flash of red behind a set of boxes and duck. I ready my katana and swipe where I saw it. No one was there.

Behind you. You are stronger.

I turn and flip the girl onto the ground, and pin her hands behind her back. 

"Not so cool now, are you?" Speedster then ripped me off of her.

"Get off my sister." I roll my eyes and knock his legs from under his feet. I went to attack again but the girl set red magic stuff at my head. I felt dizzy but shook it off.

"Gotta try harder than that." Speedster saw the dilemma and picked up his sister to run away but she said something that stopped him.

"There is someone inside you. It's evil but is serving good." I sigh. Every time a villain comes along they just happen to know about the evil inside me. 

"Get out of here. Before someone kills you." They do exactly what I say. 

"Who's ever standing, we got to move. Guys?"

"Clint, I'm here. I think the rest are down." I respond. Clint and I rounded up the rest of them, Hulk was off on a rampage and Tony was trying to sort it.

"Natasha I could really use a lullaby."

"That's not gonna happen." Clint spoke back to Tony.

"The whole team is down." I add. "You got no backup here."

"I'm calling in Veronica."

The ride in the quinjet was awkward and eerily quiet. I sat on the floor looking over the hundreds of texts I received from Scott and Lydia. I couldn't respond though.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is. There has been no official call for Banners arrest but it's in the air." Hill informed us.

"The Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asked.

"Already on the scene. How's the team?"

"Everyone's... We took a hit. We'll shake it off." 

"Well, for now, I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here."

"So, run and hide?" I question, not fond of the idea.

"Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer."

"Neither do we." Stark ends the call and I go back to doing nothing. 

A few hours later Clint landed us at some farm house in the middle of no where. Is this a safe house? 

"What is this place?" Thor asks.

"Safe house." Stark responds.

"Let's hope." Clint says walking into the house. "Honey, I'm home!" Wait what? A pregnant women appears round the corner shocked. "HI, company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." They then kiss and my mind is just blown. Was he keeping a secret family from me? How dare he. 

"This is and agent of some kind." I scoff sarcastically at Tony's remark.

"Gentlemen this is Laura." 

"I know all your names." She say's smiling. 

"Well I'll be dammed Clint. You are way better at keeping secrets then I am." He laughs at me and then we hear footsteps come running down the stairs. 

"Oh, incoming."  Two little kids then come in and pull Clint into a dad. Jesus he's a dad too? "Hi, sweetheart! Hey buddy. How you guys doing?"

"These are, smaller, agents." I almost laugh at all the others faces. 

"Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Oh hell no. Nat knew about this? I am personally offended now. 

"Why don't you hug her and find out?" 

"Sorry for barging in on you." Cap says politely. 

"Yeah we would of called ahead, but we were busy having no idea that you existed." Tony said straight to the point.

"Yeah, well. Fury helped me set this up when I joined. He kept it off SHEILD's files. I'd like to keep it that way. I figured it's a good place to lay low." While the others spoke Thor accidently stands on a Lego building and tries to cover it up by kicking it away. Cap and I just look at him.

Thor seems to go off somewhere in his head and walks out. Cap and I follow.

"Thor?" I ask.

"I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here. I think you, Stiles should come with me." Huh?

"Why? What can I do to help?"

"You have a unique mind, I may need your help." I nod and walked over to him. "Wait how are we-" I was cut off as Thor grabbed me and spun his hammer and it took off taking us with it.

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