Chapter 50 - Endgame part 2

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I look over at this Captain Marvel and see her and the other female fighters standing next to Peter. Lydia included. Of course she would find her way up there. I smirk as they all kick ass in battle. They really are some of the most powerful people. 

The gauntlet was nearly at it's destination when Thanos destroyed the van, sending a flood of energy back, hitting everyone. Then I saw the gauntlet, it was near Thanos. 

"Oh no, he's not getting it again." I mutter running to wards the fight. Feeling a surge of power through me I go at the purple monster as Tony is thrown to the side. I kick at his knees and swipe at him with my knifes.

Thor joins in and I duck away from his lightning. Jesus, Thor. Did he get a beer belly? and what an earth is his hair right now? 

I get snapped back into reality as Thanos punches me in the gut, but I don't feel any pain. If anything it makes me stronger. I smirk as I hit him back. 

Thor gets his locked using his hammer and a new weapon, which looks amazing by the way. I stand back and go over to Tony.

"Hey Stark, miss me?" I say getting him up as he mutters a response. 

"How could I? You were a dick."

"True, but so were you." I say nodding. I look back to see Cap fighting Thanos as well, only for both of them to be thrown back. Captain Marvel gives it a shot but also does not succeed. I see Thanos lit up the gauntlet. 

For some reason I don't want to stop him.

 I just smirk as I see Captain Marvel struggle to stop him. She actually ends up winning for a few moments. Tony perks up beside me and looks over as Thanos uses a stone to ping her away. 

"Stiles, help." I look down at him and laugh slightly. 

"I don't want to risk dying. He's all yours." I didn't even realise what I said until I said it. I don't want to risk dying. I never want to go through that hell ever again.

As Thanos connects the stone back into the gauntlet Tony gets up to keep fighting. 

Maybe I should do something. 

Do you want to die again?

I shake my head in response to Void. 

"I am inevitable." Thanos says, and I watch him snap his fingers. They only thing is, nothing happens. Tony had all the stones. 

Stark had the stones on his gauntlet, letting the power over  take him.

"And Man." And he snap his fingers. All Thanos' army turned to dust. And everything went quiet. We won. 

I looked around for my pack, to see them coming my way. I took back control from Void and ran up to them.

"Are you guys all okay?" I ask checking them for wounds.

"Yeah, we're fine. Are you?" Scott asks. I just nod slighting, looking back at Tony. Peter patted me on the shoulder.

"Stiles, he's going to die." Lydia says beside me. I look down sighing. 

"I know." Rhodey and Spiderman dropped down next to Tony. 

"Mr Stark. Hey,  Mr Stark, can you hear me? It's Peter. We won. Mr Stark,  we won Mr Stark. We won and you did it sir. You did it. I'm sorry...Tony." Peter says, breaking down into tears. Pepper in a blue iron suit sat nest to Tony. I didn't listen in, to respect their privacy.

I could of helped Tony. If I had used the gauntlet and not him. I may not have died. Tony could still live a life. But Void made a decision to be selfish. I walked over to Peter and pulled him into a hug. As we watch Tony die. 

On the day of Tony's funeral. Everyone was going there. Even Lydia, Scott and the Hales were invited. 

I stood next to my pack, watching the ceremony. Everyone had been very welcoming to them and accepting. I guess they would have to be after everything that went down.

I know Tony and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I always knew that if he was to die, he would go out in style. 

Clint told me the news about Nat. We marked a place for her near his house. A place where we can remember her greatest, and her love. He told me that she never stopped fighting to find a way to get us back. 

I watched with Bucky and Sam as Banner, who always looks like hulk now, gave Cap the stones. 

"Remember, you're going to have to return the stones to the exact moment you got them, or you're going to open up a bunch of nasty alternative realities."

"Don't worry Bruce. Clip all the branches. " Cap said, taking the case that contained the stones.

"You know I tried. When I had the gauntlet, the stones, I really tried to bring her back. I miss them man." I looked at Sam sadly. 

"Me too." 

"You know if you want, I could come with you?" Sam offered. 

"Or you know, the basically immortal one could do it." I say my point again for about the hundredth time today.

"You are good men, Sam, Stiles. But this one's on me." I roll my eyes at how good and righteous he is. 

"You know I'm technically still like nineteen." I say but was ignored. Cap went over to Bucky.

"Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back."

"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." The old friends share a hug. 

"Gonna miss you Buddy." Bucky said to him.

"It's going to be okay Buck." Cap said before stepping up onto the machine.

"How long is this going to take?" I ask.

"For him, as long as he needs. For us, five seconds." Bruce responded as Cap picks up Thor's hammer. "Ready Cap? Alright, we'll meet you back here okay."

"You bet." 

"Going quantum. Three, two, one." And Cap disappears. We all wait eagerly. "Returning in five four, three, two, one." Nothing happened. What? 

"Where is he?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here." Bruce said worried.

"Well get him back."

"I'm trying." I see Bucky looking to the side and I see what he is looking at. And old man sitting at a bench. It can't be. Can it? Bucky and I share a look, confirming what I thought.

"Get him the hell back."

"I said I'm trying." 

"Sam." Bucky says, catching his attention. We walked closer to him. "Go ahead Sam." 

"I thought you hated each other?" I mumble to Bucky.

"He needs this more than we do." He responds. I nod understandingly. I smirk slightly as I see Sam put on Caps shield. What a guy. 

"Bucky, you know I'm not staying right?" He nods. 

"Yeah. Keep in touch though." I smirk patting him on the shoulder.

"Always, call me if trouble arises. I love a good fight." I walk away, saying my good byes to Bruce and then hop on my motorbike and drive off through the woods, back onto a road. 

What now?

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