Chapter 4 - Withholding

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I sat awkwardly on one of my uncles brown leather sofas, the untouched cup of tea in my hands slowly getting cold. Phil day opposite me not sure how to start the conversation, we had been like this for seventeen minuets. I have been counting. I decided to speak up as to not repeat the last seventeen minutes.

"So..."Phil lets out a sigh.

"Stiles, I don't understand what's happened in the past few years I haven't been able to visit you but, you need to tell me. At least some part of the truth." I set my tea down on the glass coffee table in front of me.

"Well, you know about all the murders and stuff that happens in Beacon Hills?" I ask raising my eye level to meet my uncles.

"Yes, I think the whole country has." Yeah I wouldn't be surprised there.

"Errr, well. I may have gotten involved in some of the stuff like human sacrifice for example." I stop speaking waiting for the reaction.

"What? STILES!"

"Look I didn't do the sacrificing, I was just apart of a sacrifice with my friends to find where our parents were to save them, from this... witchy person." I wince at my own attempt at an explanation.

"Okay for a start sacrificing yourself doesn't make sense or is right in anyway possible. And second when was this?" My uncle looks concerned, maybe I went a bit to far with the whole sacrificing thing right of the bat.

"About two-thee years ago now."

"Why didn't your father tell me any of this?" I look down trying to avoid the question. "Stiles?"

"He told me that you walked out of his life when he was little. He also said that you didn't want any part of our life anymore. Not since mum..."

"That's not true. Yes I left your dad when he was young with our father but I had no choice. I wanted to follow a certain path that didn't allow a close family. I don't regret my decision but stiles, I am always here for you."

I nod and look up at the tears eyed man. Then something clicked.

"Wait? What path did do you go on? Please tell me you're a secret spy!" He laughs at me and leaves the room, taking the cups into the kitchen. "What? You didn't answer my question!" I called after him.

And to think we have barely scratched the surface of my past that lea to me being shot. What fun the future holds.

"Right I gotta but be careful now that you're in New York." I smile at Lydia even though she can't see it over the phone.

"Yeah, you be careful too. Bye"

"Bye." She hung up phone and the call ended.

I didn't know what to do really. I had emptied the small amount of my belongings I had either into the wardrobe or on the desk that was in Phill's guest bedroom. I guess it's my room now though.

I walked through to the kitchen to see Phil on the phone talking to someone. It seemed important so I left him and went on through to the living room. I turned on the tv, watching as the news flickered up onto the screen.

I watched as the news lady informed me that the weird satellite object found in New Mexico has disappeared after a town was levelled.
"Phil, is this real?" I call him through and he sinks comes into the room. Oddly he doesn't seem that surprised.

"Yeah, sadly. Look kid I gotta head into work. Will you be fine without me? I don't know when I'm gonna be home." I waved him off.

"Yeah I'll be fine. I'll order take out for both of us so you can eat whenever you get in. Pizza alright?" I ask, used to the fact that I would be eating dinner alone.

"Yeah that'll be great. Right bye!" He shouts as he grabs his coat and heads out the door.


An eerie silence fell in the small, two bedroomed apartment. I was usually out with the pack now, or doing research until I fall asleep, right next to Lydia and sometimes Mason. The others would be patrolling or practicing fighting. All of us preparing for the next big thing to happen in Beacon Hills. But I left.

After a while of sitting in boredom watching the news I start ransacking my uncles living room and study for something interesting. I uncovered a box that read 'LEVEL 10 CLEARANCE DO NOT REMOVE' it looked like one of the boxes in the sheriffs office that held important files on cases.
What kind of work does my uncle do? He said it was important but wow.

Should I open it? No that would be bad. But it would only be a peak. No. I can't. But it is really tempting... no I can't expected Phil to tell me all his secrets when I've barley started spilling my own. I'll wait, for now.

My phone flashed signally that it was 6pm. I had a text from my uncle saying that he wouldn't be home tonight and will hopefully be back tomorrow. I laugh to myself at the amount of apologies the man fitted into a small text.

I phone up a near pizza place, ordering one medium pepperoni pizza. It soon arrives and I tuck in while watching one of the films Phil had in an old box.

I watched and ate and then slowly started to drift away as the film cane to a close.

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