Chapter 8 - Past

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For the second time this week my uncle and I went through security and into SHIELD. This time it was different though. I wasn't overwhelmed with excitement. I wasn't noticing the odd looks I got from the agents walking around. I wasn't paying attention to where my uncle was leading me. All I could think about was how I was going to explain to Phil and Fury, the director of SHIELD, my life in Beacon Hills. 

"Stiles you alright?" I simply nod in response. When Phil motions for me to sit I finally start to pay attention. "Fury is just coming." 

"Okay." We were in a simple grey room with a table and three chairs laid out. There was no decoration or any other furniture. It looked like an interrogation room. Before I could speak my mind the director came in and shut the door. I also noticed the small hidden camera in the left corner behind me. 

"Phil, Stiles. How are you both?" Phil responded politely while I snapped back. 

"Why are you trying to hide that this is on film? This is an interrogation room correct?" Fury just nods in my direction while my uncle mutters something under his breath that sounded like 

'Told ya.'

"Most people don't notice the things you see. I'm impressed. Now then down to business. Stiles in order for you to start your training I need to know your past. Coulson says that you haven't opened up to anyone yet and that this is pointless but none the less. I need to know my agents." I fiddle with my hands and avoid looking him in the eye.

"You want to know that whole story?"

"Yes." I sigh. Of course he does.

"It started in Sophmore year. I had dragged my best friend Scott out to find a dead body in the woods. One thing lead to another and my dad, the sheriff, found me and I was sent home. Scott was alone in the woods when he got bitten by...something." Fury looked unimpressed while Phil just looked confused. 

"He was bitten by an animal?" 

"Not exactly. It was a werewolf." I stop to see them both with disbelieving looks. Of course they wouldn't believe me.

"Stiles be serious, this is not a time for one of your jokes." My uncle spoke sharply at me.

"I'm serious! That's why I don't talk about it because no one would believe me!" I spoke, desperately trying to convince them. "Look it sounds insane but it's true just, will you hear me out?" Fury nodded.

"Okay so after he was bit Scott started to change. He didn't need his inhaler anymore, he was great at sports and he could smell and hear everything. Then a full moon came and he changed. He nearly killed me and ran off. Thankfully this other werewolf was around and saved Scott from some hunters. That was Scott's first full moon and the first time I realised that the world we live in is  whole look bigger than we humans think." 

"And if this is true, what happened over the course of the next three years?" Fury asked me.

"A lot. There was a homicidal lizard that was being controlled to kill people, he's fine now and is a werewolf in London. An Alpha pack came and an Darach started doing human sacrifices to kill them. She actually did kill two of the alphas-"

"Wait Stiles, you said that you had been apart of a human sacrifice?" Phil spoke up.

"Yeah me Scott and...Alison, a hunter, had to take part in one to find our parents who had been taken by the Darach. Anyway after that emm, my mind was left ajar from the sacraffice. And I was possessed." 

"Possessed?" I looked up at the director and nodded.

"By a Japanese demon called the nogitsune. It tricked me into thinking I had dementia.  Like my mum." Phil tenses but doesn't say anything. "I couldn't wake up without screaming myself awake and I could never really tell if I was actually ever awake. I would have blackouts and I would wake up in strange places and never know how I had got there. I finally found out that it was the nogitsune so I sent myself into a nut house. It didn't do much good though as it took control of me, and I was responsible for killing so many people. I torchered Scott, I slaughtered people at the hospital, the Sheriff's station. And then I-I killed one of my best friends." Tears welled up in my eyes and I choked back a sob.

"Stiles, I had no idea." I look at my uncle.

"What that I'm a murderer?"  I shake my head as he doesn't say anything else. Fury looks at me and I stare back. "What? you want me to go on? I'm only at Junior year." 

"Go on. I have overlooked killers before if they have a good heart." I nod. This was not a good idea.

"We killed the nogitsune after it separated from me, creating two versions of myself, so that was all over. Scott had now become an alpha, normally you have to kill an alpha to become one but he is a true alpha which means he became one on his own will. He had just turned his first beta, by accident when the pack-"


"Yeah the McCall pack. Each alpha needs a pack of their own. That was our one. Well there was this deadpool going on for supernatural creatures that anyone who needed some cash could get their hands on. People started dying again and we had to do something about it, which resulted in me getting kidnapped, again, and nearly dying, again. We eventually stopped it though before any of the ack died."

"How many times were you kidnapped?" Phil asked worried.

"To be honest I lost count. Anyway the next big thing that happened was that this guy Theo moved back to Beacon Hills after like ten years and he wasn't normal per say.  He was working with these scientists called the Dread Doctors to re-write the supernatural laws. Theo wanted his own pack though. Including everyone in our one except Scott. He was too good to be his plan."

"What do you mean by too good?"

"Well everyone else had terrible flaws. Anger, first instinct to kill, harbinger of death, not in control, void. Scott was always perfect though. Theo actually managed to break the pack apart, with his short-lived pack of chimeras. Anyway he is currently in a very real version of hell right now after he realised this thing called the beast that could only be stopped by a hellhound. Thankfully we actually knew one." 

"This is all insane."

"You don't say. Now this is the last thing that i was involved with in the supernatural world. It's what made my dad shoot me." Phils eyes widened and he payed even closer attention than before. 

"The Dread Doctors had been keeping something from the world for a long time and we didn't know about it. But it got out and posed as a teacher for a while. But this guy opened up another world called the wild hunt. They come and take people and then they are erased from existence. This happened to me. I was taken and I was forgotten by everyone. The wild hunt created a version of my mum to fill the hole in my dads world. Only one person remembered me enough to bring me back to the living."

"Your dad?" I almost laugh.

"No, Lydia."

"The girl you always call?"

"Yep, she brought me back by remembering me. Without her you wouldn't have a nephew."

An uneasy silence filled in around the three of us, almost suffocating me. I needed to get out of here, but where would I go? Finally Fury spoke up.

"Stiles, I believe you." And that's all he needed to say to give the air I so much desired back to me.

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