Chapter 31 - Sourwolf

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I waited by my bike texting Lydia and Scott. They both couldn't come down because of college to help me. I was outside the vet clinic, trying to get enough courage to actually go in. Finally after a while and persistent texts from my friends I leave my bike and go in.

"Hello?" Deaton's voice filled the silence as he walked into the front room.

"Hi Deaton." 

"Stiles? What is it that you come here for?" He asks me, not moving the mountain ash barrier for me to pass through.

"Me. I need help and I'm taking a little time off from work to fix me." He nods.

"Yes I've heard about your, new job. I also know about your situation. But your state of mind should be stable, unless something happened?" 

"Yeah, I died three times. Every time I die void gets a bit more control." Deaton looks at me worried and shocked. He opens the barrier and lets me through to the back surgery room. 

"How and why did you die three times?" I sigh slightly uncomfortable talking about this stuff. 

"Well the first time was stabbed by an assassin, the second time I killed myself to prove my theory and the third was falling off a falling city and drowning in water." I Didn't realise how crazy I sound until till after it was already said. I laughed nervously. "All in a days work right?"

"Stiles the deaths will obviously contribute to the nogitsune getting more control over your mind and body, but how often do you use its powers?" I  think back to my work days.

"Basically all the time. Especially the added strength and speed." 

"And how often do you speak to the nogitsune?" 

"Not much. I can't control when he speaks he just does. Usually when I'm in danger or when someone else is dangerous." Deaton nods thinking things through in his head.

"I think if you can get control over his voice, then you will be able to summon his help and it would be a lot harder for him to take over your mind, if you already have control over his." I nod. That could work. But how the hell would I do that?

"How is that possible though?" 

"Put in enough work and a lot of believe and anything is possible. Remember when you completed the circle of mountain ash around the club? You just had to believe you had enough ash to finish it and you did. Just believe that you can have total control over the nogitsune and he won't be able to control you."

"Okay, how do we start?" I ask and Deaton smiles at me which makes me worried.

"You know when you said 'outside' I though you meant like in the car park, not in the woods." I complain as I had to walk all the way up the woods while he just drove.

"It's quiet up here, and no one will disturb either of you?" Huh? who else is here? My thoughts were answered as Derek Hale appeared out of no where.

"Hello Stiles." I smirked.

"What's up Sourwolf?" He glared at me. Deaton cleared his throat, catching our attention.

"So Stiles you and Derek are going to create a scene. You say the nogitsune comes out more when you're working so try. Fight each other." I shook my head.

"This isn't going to work. I don't have any of my stuff, even in Beacon Hills. Well I brought some of it but My katana and my favourites were taken off me. Nat thought I was planning to like beat up a ton of people or I might get angry so she took a load of stuff off me. I think Cap actually locked them away somewhere, so if he dies soon then I will never get my stuff back because-"

"Stiles. SHUT UP." Derek shouts at me, snapping me out of my ramble. I laugh slightly.

"Anyway Stiles, no weapons a loud." 

"What? But he has literal claws and fangs!" I get a warning look so I shut up. I take off my jacket exposing my black t-shirt I had on with adidas joggers and trainers. 

I get in a fighting stance opposite Derek and we go at each other. This continued for the next few hours and it pretty much went like this. I dodged Derek's claws. I hit him a few times.  He hit me ten times harder. I got him on the ground. He cut me with his claws to get me off. Deaton made us stop.

There was no influence from Void at any time and it was pointless. I wasn't working. I didn't feel like I was working. If anything I was bored. I was never in serious danger. 

"This is so stupid! It's not working one bit. Void is smart and isn't going to get fooled by us playing around in the woods with a spectator jumping in every time someone gets a little hurt!" I shout out of frustration and punch a nearby tree lightly. 

"We can try something new tomorrow?"

"No Deaton. This was a mistake. I can't get any more control over him. All I need to do is not die and I'll be fine. I'm pretty sure I've stopped ageing anyway so It's not like I can die from old age or anything." I sit down with my head in my hands. "I'm going to out last everyone. All my friends. Well except maybe Cap, I'm still not sure if he ages or if it's just me that's giving him stress lines." 

"You'll figure it out. You always seem to." I look up at Derek and nod. 

"I'll try again tomorrow. But I need sleep and food right now. Bye." They say their goodbyes and I leave. I end up at my dads place and stay the night in my old room.

Nostalgic Stiles? I know I am.

"Shut up." I murmur before falling asleep.

It's now been two months of getting beaten up, mentally challenged, chasing down stray werewolves near Beacon Hills and having to live with my dad. I think dad secretly loves that I'm here but we don't see much of each other, curtesy of myself avoiding him most of the time.

I was seeing progress now. I could now force void into speaking to me but only for a while. I still had work to do and a lot of it. 

"Hey Stiles? You with Deaton again today?" Speak of the devil.

"No dad, day off." I sat eating an apple when my phone went off. I saw it was Sam and immediately picked up. "Hey newbie." 

"Hey how's the whole mind program thing?"

"I'm making progress. Why you calling? You got a job and need a hand?" I saw my dad look at me in the corner of my eye but I ignore. 

"Yeah it's in Lagos. You know the terrorists we've been tracking? They're going to be there. Cap says it would be great if you could tag along. Maybe it will even help you." I nod, seeing the benefits. This was finally a real job to do.

"Okay yeah. I'll be there. Text me times and where to meet. I'm leaving asap. Oh and make sure Cap brings all my stuff."

"Alright that's what I'm talking about. See you soon Tricky."  I laugh at the latest nickname and hang up.

"You leaving again?" I turn to my dad.

"Yeah, I got a job to do. Tell Deaton for me will you? I need to go like now." He nods and I run upstairs and pack my bag. "Lagos here we come." 

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