Chapter 6 - Eye Spy

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The huge buildings glistened in the sunlight as I stared at them, not daring to to take my eyes off them for one second. I rolled my window down and stuck my head through for a better look. I could see in the distance a logo of a shield and an eagle.  My mind was going at a thousand miles per hour as I took in the glorious sight in front of me. I pooped my head back into see a grinning Phil.

"You are so a spy." Phil chuckles a bit.

"I've been waiting to tell you until you were eighteen. I couldn't get down for your birthday then so I thought this would do, even if you're nineteen." 

"Oh my god my uncles a spy! I knew it. Called it when I was ten after the microwave incident." Oh what a day that was. I blew up three microwaves in a restaurant and got away with it scott free because Phil handled it.

"Yes you did." We both laugh and then the car turns into the front of the building. Phil's shows his badge and ID to the security and I got a visitors pass. We got out the car and we had to be searched. My eyes widened when Phil pulled out a handgun.

"You had that on you the whole time?"

"Do you think I would ever go unprotected? Especially when I have a nephew to look after." I had just nodded in reply. I wonder how many guns and other weapons are in his house? How have I not found any yet?

Phil then lead me through the maze of this business/spy base to the control room it looked like.

"Agent Coulson you're meant to be taking a break. Who's this you have brought into my control room?" A guy with dark skin and an awesome eyepatch spoke loudly. He seemed to act like he was in charge so maybe he was. Even if his eyepatch was cool he seemed to emit intimidation.

"I know but I can't seem to stay away. This is my nephew I told you about Director." Ah so he is in charge, I was right.

"Emm I'm Stiles, Sir. Stiles Stilinski." He kind of looked my up and down making me even more nervous than I was before.

"Director Fury. You can called me Fury, you're with Coulson. Welcome to SHIELD." I nod my head and smile a little. SHIELD sounds like a good name for am undercover network of people trying to save the world. But still at the same time they are shielding people from  knowing the true horrors of this world.

"So I was thinking of giving Stiles a little run down of what we do and then see what is up while I'm here. He can tag along right?" 

"It's fine with me, and if it's fine with me it's fine with everyone." Coulson and Fury give a little nod to each other before Fury leaves to do his work.

"Oh My God that was so cool! I want to be a spy! Imagine Agent Stilinski." I over dramatise it with vigorous hand actions and Phil laughs.

"Slow down kid, You're too young to qualify right now as you're not enhanced in any way shape or form, or had extreme training. Anyway, you'll not be becoming part of this life for as long as I can stop you."

"But I'm technically already apart of it because you are and I'm living with yu. Plus you're my uncle." I had him stumped there.

"Oh shut up and follow me." Then something clicked.

"Wait, is Clint an Agent too?" My uncle nodded his head before answering.

"His code name is Hawkeye, but he goes as Agent Barton."

"I beat a spy at COD!"

We had been through most of the major rooms and it was amazing! My favourite room by far was the investigation rooms. That's where they search all over the world for problems or possible threats. I also really like the training room as all the weapons on show and the fighting was mind blowing to me. Since the many Beacon Hills incidents I have learned to shoot a gun pretty well. I also had a few self defence lessons but I gave up as it took to much of my time up. Phil was currently talking to this women that introduced herself as Agent Romanoff, while I was texting Scott. There conversation started to catch my attention though.

"Fury really is interested in him you know. He might want to snatch him up." 

"Yeah I thought this might happen. That's why I waited until now." Huh? What is my uncle talking about? Me?

"Does he want it?"

"He's the type of kid that would love this." What are they on about? 

"He doesn't seem like the type of boy, but his eyes are old. Care to explain?"

"In his old town there was a lot of death, and the reason he came to live with me, is because my brother, his father shot him." Okay yeah my uncle just spilling all the family secrets that just so happen to be about me. I decide to stop the conversation.

"Yo Phil, Agent Romanoff?" She nodded meaning I got her name right. "Where are we going next?"

"To the control room again. I need to speak to Fury about something. You alright with that?" 

"Course. Cya Romanoff."

"Goodbye Stiles and Phil, you have no need to worry." They gave each other a little nod before Phil walked back in the direction we came from, with me closely behind. 

"What is it with you spies and nodding at each other?" 

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