Chapter 46 - Void

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We had a plan set and it should hopefully work. I was twirling my new bat around in my hands watching the others talk.  I stay still as Dr Strange comes and sits next to me. 

"So, there is only one chance of us getting this right?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah." I nod, sighing. "What wrong?" 

"Can you tell me one thing. Is it a bad idea to let void out." Strange doesn't answer for a while. I presume he isn't going to tell me but he finally speaks.

"It's good and bad. You just need to trust yourself. You have more control than you know." I nod, trying to get my head round it all. 

"Guys! Something is approaching. Energy levels have spiked!" Quill shouts out, looking up from his alien tech. Everyone starts to get into position and I get into mine. I was hidden from sight, high up on a near by structure. A blue portal came out of thin air, revealing Thanos. He's taller than I thought he would be. 

"Oh yeah. Your much more of a Thanos." Strange spoke out to him. 

"I take it the Mar is dead. This day extracts a heavy toll. Still he accomplished his mission." 

"You may regret that. He brought you face to face with the master of the mystic arts." 

Stiles, I can help you.

I know Void. I know.

As Strange and Thanos kept talking I concentrated on my mind. I closed my eyes and searched deep. I felt a sort of switch inside of me and it felt like when I was possessed all them years ago. Except this time I knew what was happening. My eyes snap open and fix on my target. A rush of power flooding over me as I gripped my bat, a smirk on my face.

"With all six stones I could simply snap my fingers, and it would all cease to exists, I call that mercy." Thanos spoke to Strange.

"And then what?" 

"I finally rest, and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe." Yeah not on my watch your not. "Thee hardest choices require the strongest wills."

"I think you'll find, our will, equal to yours." Strange says getting into  a fight position. Hell yes it's finally happening. 

"Our?" Thanos looks up and sees Tony dropping a huge piece of building on top of him. With a flash of purple Thanos escapes and sends something towards Stark. 

I jump down from my position and join in  the fight. I jump down the last bit of building onto Thanos and hit him on the head with my bat. I see Drax get hit back and Strange start to attack him. I help by sending in kicks and blows to the head while he's distracted. 

Quill has help from Strange and sets off a bomb on his back, which doesn't do much. Strange's cape wraps itself around Thanos' hand and I try and kick his feet out form under him. I smirk as my bat hits his legs, and he groans in pain. 

Spiderman uses portals to keep attacking Thanos but gets put down to the ground, and then thrown away, quite literally. 

Thanos manages to tear off the cape and Stark comes back in and starts shooting all he's got at him. I quickly get out of the way, not wanting to die. I hear something like an engine coming our way and sure enough a flying spaceship rams right into Thanos. 

Out comes a blue alien. Oh this just keeps getting better.

"You should of killed me."

"Would of been a waste of parts." Oh issues much? Not like I can talk or anything. They start to fight and I watch from  a safe distance, enjoying it maybe a little too much. 

"Where's Gamora?" Wait the same Gamora Quill is into? The blue alien is knocked down and I see that the next part of the plan is in action. 

Strange uses his magic to grab one of his arms, Quill uses his tech to get the other and Spiderman holds him with his webs. Stark grabs onto the gauntlet, trying to get it off as Mantis uses her powers to send him asleep. Peter goes over to help Tony with the gauntlet. 

"Is he under?"

"Be quick, he is very strong." Mantis informs us.

"Stiles, get over here and help." Tony asks but I shrug.

"Nah, rather watch from a far. Suck up all the pain." I say, taking one of my knifes and stabbing Thanos in his arm. The dagger didn't go all the way in, but it was obvious I hurt him. "This is rather fun." 

"Thought you'd be hard to catch, for the record this was my plan." Quill says, approaching Thanos. "Where is Gamora?"

"My Gamora..." Thanos mumbles out. I smirk, seeing where this is going. I have no plans to stop it either. 

"Oh bullshit. Where is she?" 

"He feels, grief." Mantis tells us. 

"He took her to Vormir. He came back with the soul stone, but she didn't." The blue alien says, confirming my suspicions. 

"Asshole. Tell me you didn't do it." Quill yells, on the verge of being out of control, and I loved it.

"I had to..."

"No! No you didn't!" Quill starts hitting him in the head continuously, causing Stark to step in.

"Quill! Stop!" 

"It's coming, it's coming, I got it, I got it!" I hear Peter yell out, the gauntlet basically out of Thanos' hand when Thanos' eyes open fully. He was out of Manti's spell. Peter struggles to keep a grip on it but fails. 

Everyone is flung away, me included. I land on the ground far from where I had been. I groan as I see a huge cut running up my arm, though I was still clutching my bat. The cut was healing fast so I got up. I saw the blue alien struggling to get up from underneath a bunch of rocks. 

"Hey, there you go." I say while realising her. "I'm Stiles by the way."

"Nebula." Just then the nearby moon came crashing down onto the planet, Thanos' doing of course. I grab Nebula and Grab onto a piece of metal structure, as we try and doge all the pieces of rock, falling on top of us. 

I spot a large one coming down directly above us.

"Nebula, run." I say before sprinting out and into the open air. It was like a mine field, instead the bombs were above us and not underground. I see Peter webbing up the others, who were unconscious, keeping them safe. 

I look over to where I last saw Thanos and what I saw shocked me. Tony had been stabbed by Thanos. The human side of me wants to go help him, but then I also want to watch him in pain. I run closer, still not sure if I'm being good or bad at the moment. 

"You have my respect Stark. When I'm done half of humanity will still be alive. I hope they remember you." Rocks crumble as I approach the scene. "But your friend here. Will die a shadow, and will never be remembered for the things he has done." 

"Well I hope you rot in hell too." I snap back. Thanos lifts up his gauntlet lighting every stone at the ready. This is it, the one thing that I can truly die from. The tesseract triggered Void, now the infinity stones are my one weakness. I prepare myself for the hit when Strange speaks up.

"Stop. Spare their lives, and I will give you the stone.2 What the hell is he thinking?

"No tricks?"

"Don't Strange. We are all going to die one day anyway." I yell to try and stop him. It didn't work as Strange gives over the stone to Thanos. This can't possibly be the one way that we can win? Can it? 

"One to go." And then he disappears, as Quill starts shooting at him. 

"Where is he?" Quill shouts, as Tony tries to help his wound. 

"We just lost." I say in a dead voice. 

"Why did you do that?" Tony asks Strange confused. 

"We are in the endgame now." 

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