Chapter 43 - Flying Donut

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Stiles. Wake up!

I gasp, opening my eyes and looking around my, floating body. What the hell. I still can't move either. I look to my right and see Dr Strange in the exact same position. Long, sharp needle type thing were surrounding us both, dangerously close to my skin. I wasn't afraid though, I could handle a few needles. 

"In all the time I have served Thanos, I have never failed him. If I were to reach our rendezvous on Titan, with the time stone still attached to your vaguely irritating person. There would be, judgment." The alien from before on earth said, mainly to Strange but I do not care right now. I tried looking for my katana but I came up empty. It wasn't with me.

"Well, Thanos sounds like a crap boss." Both the alien and Strange gave me glares so I shut up. The needles started coming closer towards us and a few pierced my skin. It was weirdly hot and it stung like a bitch. 

"Give me, the stone." More and more needles found there way to my body, causing the pain to double each time. Strange wasn't handling it as well as I was, but then I do have some help with the pain side of things. "Painful, aren't they. They were originally designed for micro surgery, and anyone of them...could end your friends life in an instinct." I looked up and Tony, aiming his weaponry at the alien.

"I gotta tell you he's not really me friend, and the other... well it's complicated. Saving there lives is more a professional curtesy." I rolled my eyes. 

"You saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine." 

"Yeah but the kids seen more movies." Wait what? Before I could think properly Tony blasted a whole in the side of the ship, sucking the alien out into open space. Strange and I also started to get sucked out as well.

"Oh hell no, no, no!" Something grabbed us and I looked back to see Spiderman. Of course he would be here with Stark. 

"Yes! Wait what are those?" I hear him yell. We get pulled back into the ship and Tony patches up the ship. I land on the ground with a bang and get up angry.

"Hey we haven't officially met. Cool." 

"We gotta turn this ship around." I turn away from them for a moment, trying not to get too angry. Void is already active enough with the whole Thanos thing.

"Yeah, now he wants to run. Great plan."

"No. I want to protect the stone."

"And I want you to thank me. Now, go ahead. I'm listening." 

"For what Tony? Nearly blasting us into space. I don't know if even I would have survived that!" I yell, all my pent up emotions towards Tony coming out. 

"Who just saved your magical ass? Me." I scoff and look back and Parker. It was really him who did it.

"I seriously don't know how you fit your head into that helmet." Strange says back, also annoyed.

"Admit it, you should have ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused. And where did you even come from Stiles? You should of stayed out of it."

"Oh wow, so you do remember me. All that time we spent together, fighting side by side, all that trust really helps our relationship." I spit out, not even sparing a glance towards him. 

"Hey no, you do not get to be mad at me. You choose your side. And because of you two both getting kidnapped we are now on a flying donut, billions of miles from earth with no backup." I scoff.

"I'm backup." Peter pipes in.

"No you are a stowaway. The adults are talking."

"You do not get to say that to me. Do you think we really had a choice. And you did not have to come up here to get us. Now that was your choice." I say coming back to the point.

"I'm sorry I'm confused as to the relationship here. What is he your ward?" Strange says, not letting Stark answer.

"No. I'm Peter by the way."

"Dr Strange." 

"Oh we are using our made up names, then I am Spiderman." I almost laugh at how much Peter reminds me of myself. It's kind of weird. 

"The ship is self-correcting it's course. Things on autopilot." Stark says in a more calm voice.

"Can we control it? Fly us home?" There was no answer. "Stark?"


"Can you get us home?" 

"Yeah I heard you." Oh god what is he going to say. "I'm thinking. I'm not so sure that we should." Oh god, he has gone crazy. Though seeing a different planet would be very cool. I mean, I'm in space! Oh my god!

"Under no circumstances can we bring the time stone to Thanos. I don't think you quite understand what's at stake here." I'm with Strange on this one.

"No, it's you who doesn't understand. Thanos has been inside my head for six years. Since he sent an army to New York and now he's back. And I don't know what to do."

"Well technically he never left." I mumble to myself. 

"So I'm not so sure it's a better plan to fight him on out turf or on his. But you saw what they can do. At least on his turf he's not expecting it. So I saw we take the fight to him. Doctor. Do you concur." Ah shit he is right. Why do I have to do this. I slowing stand up straight from the laid back position I was in before, sitting on a bit of the ship.

"Okay, lets do this. As much as it pains me to say this but Stark is right. We can surprise Thanos and have the upper hand on the attack." 

"But you both better understand. If it comes to saving any of you, including the kid, or the time stone. I will not hesitate to let you all die. I can't, because the universe depends on it."

"Aw, and I really thought we bonded over being kidnapped and tortured." I joked, earning zero laughs. "Tough crowd." 

"Alright kid." Tony goes over to Parker and does a sort of knighting action on his shoulders. "You're an avenger now." 

I looked over at him and to be honest he looks like he might go jumping up and down squealing, but he keeps it cool. I walk over to him and pat him on the back.

"Good job. I hope you don't destroy anything else though. I heard you got a bit of a reputation." I gave him a little wink and walked off to explore. Because being on a space ship is very cool.

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