Chapter 40 - Job Well Done

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Scott and Carrie spoke things through at his house and eventually she crashed on his sofa. Melissa was very confused when she caught us taking an unconscious teenage girl up to Scotts room. We left her to sleep and went back down to the kitchen.

"So, what now?" I ask the two werewolves opposite me.

"Well, how are you doing with the nogitsune still in your mind?" Scott asks me, almost nervous of the answer.

"Fine. Yeah but I don't have as much control in Beacon Hills. The further I go away from here I gain more control over him." I explain. Scotts nods silently.

"You want to go back to being and avenger don't you? You hate being on the run." Derek stated and I nodded.

"I don't regret fighting for the better cause but, I just wish there had been a better outcome. I've been on edge all the time and it just reminds me of what it felt like before I knew void was taking over me. The first time that is. I just feel so venerable, and I haven't felt like this in years." I rant, getting all of my feelings out there. Scott gives me a half smile.

"Maybe you got too used to the power. Maybe feeling a little bit more human is good for you." I nod, think over what Scott is saying.

"Yeah. Whatever I'll be fine. It's not like they can kill me."

But they can enforce unending torture.

Oh way to make me feel good void. I give you a -100% on effort.

"So what are you planning to do with Carrie Scott? Bring her into your pack?" Derek questions.

"I don't see any reason not to. I will just have to wait until she is ready and has control. Oh and we need to find out who turned her." Scott says thinking out a plan.

"My bet is still on rapid alpha."

Derek, Scott and I all slept on Scott's living room floor, and were woken up by Melissa leaving for work. I got up last, still lying on my makeshift bed of cushions and blankets when Carrie came downstairs. I quickly got up and put a shirt on.

"Carrie, you're up early." I note but everyone gives me a weird look.

"Stiles, it's nine."

"So? Is it a crime to not like getting up before ten?" No one answers this time.

"I just wanted to say thanks for last night. I don't want to hurt anybody." Carrie says, going over to Scott.

"It's fine, honestly. But we do need your help, if you are willing to help us." Scott is way too nice some times.

"Yeah well she's helping us either way." I received a glare from Scott, I decided to just shut up.

"Do you know who bit you? Because we need to find them and stop them." Carrie looks confused an unsure, maybe I just rejig her memory.

"You know, red glowing eyes, gist teeth, claws." I say doing body actions to recreate what I was saying. Derek smirked a little at me.

"Yeah, actually I do know who it was." Oh thank god for Carrie!

"Okay, who is it?" Scott pressed.

"This guy I always see on my way to school. He said his name was Dan. He always stands on the same corner near the supermarket talking to himself. A couple weeks ago he was talking about this new power he had now got, and how he was going to do something with it. It was him who bit me." Carrie explained.

"Okay, do you know where he lives?" Derek asks the girl. She shakes her head.

"No, but he was always talking about some place in the woods." I nod and a plan forms in my mind.

"Okay so here is what we are going to do. You werewolves are going to go find this place in the woods, and then we can use Carrie for bait, lure him out into a place where we can all see him and then jump him and kill him." I say my plan but I get a bad look from Scott.

"We aren't going to kill him if we can save him." I roll my eyes at my bestfriend but agree for the now. We decide to stick with the remainder of my plan and we set out.

I was now crouching behind a tree, halfway in a ditch watching Carrie go near this wrecked shack, that was hidden by branches and trees. Scott and Derek managed to find this place pretty quickly and still managed to fit in a lesson for Carrie about sent.

Suddenly an oldish man, I presume to be Dan walks out to her. I don't try to listen in but I ready my katana. Scott let me bring it for an emergency. He doesn't understand. If he lets this man go, he will continue to do it just somewhere else. I have to finish the job.

I looked over at Scott and Derek, who were wolfed out. Scott nodded at us as I watched Dan get closer to Carrie, who was visibly shaking. Now is the time to go.

We all run out from our hiding spots and Carrie punches him in the face. Derek gets him down on the ground, and Scott restricts him from moving. I look at my katan and then at Scott. I can tell he knows what I'm about to do.

"Stiles No!" He tries to stop me but he is too late. My katana impales the alpha through the heart. Not even a werewolf could heal from that. Derek gets off him and watches as he dies in front of us. I bring my katana back through him and put it back in its hold on my back.

"Sorry Scott, but this is the only way he won't continue to turn people." Scott looked shocked and wasn't even looking at me. I look to Derek and he sighs. "I guess I'll be leaving now that it's a job well done." I mutter and walk off past Carrie. She stops me.

"Thank you." I nod and keep walking.

You see, you can only rely on me to ever truly understand you.

Yeah, I guess you are right Void.

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