Chapter 3 - Flying

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I sat down in my seat on aeroplane awaiting for the engines to get going and then the take off. It has been two days since I was shot and it still very much hurts, but I can't take anymore meds until I reach New York. I think it takes about four hours or so to get there. Scott, Lydia and the rest of the pack said goodbye to me before I left for the airport. I've heard that my dad has been acting normal, as if I never existed. As if he didn't just shoot his own son.

I sat by the window and two business men sat next to me chatting about 'the next big thing' I'm their company. As the plane starts to move my eyes slowly start to drift off, sending me into a black abyss.

I woke to a jolt as the plane went into some turbulence. I connected my seatbelt as the light above flashed at me. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and checked my phone. The time read 15:24 it's been about three hours since we left.

I sigh and look out the window, down on all the towns and fields I could see from above. Two flight attendants walked past checking seatbelts and such before going to sit down. The two men beside me burst into conversation once again, something about insurance. I could also hear the distant cries of a child screaming.

Only one hour left Stiles. One hour.

"I am happy to announce that we have now arrived in New York. Please take all rubbish with you off the plane and we hope you had a nice flight."

The intercoms voice rang through the plane as I collected my backpack and the duffel bag Mellisa gave me.
The security part of airports made me feel safe but also on edge. I never liked it when the possibility of someone just reading through your bag for drugs is strange to me. It shouldn't be but it is.

I've never really been out of California before, expect a couple trips with my dad and mum when I was little, but they stopped when mum stopped...

I shake off my thoughts and get out of the airport as quickly as I can. I take out my phone and call my uncle once I'm outside. He picks up on the second ring.

"Hey buddy you out the airport yet?"

"Yeah I'm just waiting outside. Do you want me to get a taxi to yours or something?" I ask not wanting to over step my welcome.

"Oh no I'm not going to allow you to waste your money, besides I'm here." Just then I spot my uncles car pull out from he road.

"Hey!" I greet him with a large smile.

"Hello, you can just quickly put your bag in the grinch and then hop on in." Phil says smiling back at me.
I quickly throw my stuff in the back and get into the passenger seat. Once I was in he stared driving again.

"So, tell me again why you wanted to live with me for a bit instead of training to be an FBI agent?" Phil questioned me a couple minutes into out journey after the usual small talk.

"Well I just don't think FBI and all that is really what I want to do. I just, I need some time to set my head straight." Phil nodded at my answer as I played with my thumbs.

"So what you're dad think? I haven't heard from him in a while." I freeze up but quickly regain myself. My shoulder seems to get more irritated by the second.

"Uhh, well-"

"You didn't tell him did you?" He takes my silence as an answer and sighs. "You flew across the country and your father doesn't know? Stiles!"

"He doesn't care alright?" I mumble but my uncle of course hears me.

"Yes he does. Now I don't know what has happened between you two, but you need to call him or I will." My eyes widened at this. Panic rose in my chest.

"NO! You can't call him."

"Why? What happened that's so bad?" I look down avoiding his gaze.

"Well a lot stuff has been a, happening lately. He, a... he, got drunk and a-a hurt me." My voice replicated one of a mouse instead of a humans. Phil didn't quite hear me and asked to speak up.

"He shot me. I'm the shoulder. A couple days ago."

Phil slammed on the brakes and looked at me like I was insane. Cars whizzed past us on the busy roads.
He looked like he didn't quite know what to say.

"You told the police I presume?" I look down. "Stiles? You told the police that your father shot you right?"

"No, I just ran away and got to the hospital. My friends then helped me to get here. D-dad hasn't been in work for days and, it's my fault he's like this. It's all my fault. I dragged him into something bigger than I ever could of imagined and the consequence is that I lost him." A stray tears rolled down my cheek as I started straight ahead but blinking.

"Let's just get to mine and then we can have a big chat after we've had a drink. Yeah?" I nod my head and Phil starts driving once again.

What am I meant to tell him? That the supernatural exists? Then I'd just be dragging him into it like dad and I can't do that. Not again.
I hit my head lightly against the head of my seat in frustration.

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