Chapter 30 - Death On My Hands

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I coughed and water spluttered out of my mouth as I turned onto my side. I was on dry land and no longer in water. I peered round to see an old man on the phone.

"I don't know, I found him in the water...I know hundreds were hurt but I think he is important...Okay, bye love you. Be good to your sister." His accent was thick but he was talking in English. He hung up and saw me awake. He came closer to mw but I backed away. 

"Who are you?" My voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk.

"No one, but my name is Ralph.  I found you in the water and pulled you to shore. I swear though, you were dead." I turn my head slightly, looking at the mess Ultron, we left behind. Ralph extended is hand out to touch me but I didn't like it and flinched back.

Kill him. He is no use to us.

A sudden rush of anger and power ran through me and I grabbed my knife that was hidden in my sleeve and stabbed it into the old mans neck. Blood spurted from his body onto my face and I stood up. I looked at my reflection in the water. I looked like void. 

I quickly snapped out of it and panicked. 

"Oh no, no, no, no. Don't be dead. Please!" I tried to stop the bleeding but it was useless, the man died because of me. I stubbled back and tripped over a log into the water again. I sat with my hand in my head in the freezing water.

Did you not expect this to happen? You gave me a bigger gateway into your mind and your actions when you died. I did warn you. Though if you go crazy I have to suffer also. So do me a favour and stay sane.

I shook my head trying to get his voice out of my head.

"Come on Stiles, you've had training to deal with these situations." I finally get up and find my Katana on the shore were it looks like I was maybe dragged onto land. I didn't have a com or any form of communication, except Ralph's phone but there was no way I was using it.

I waded out into the water, pulling Ralph's body with me. No one could know of what I did. I grabbed some debris and hid the body under it. Tears rolled down my face as I got back onto land. 

I need help.

After a while of sitting, crying, being tortured by void and nearly dying of hyperthermia I heard the familiar sound of engines flying near by. Stark. I raced out into an open area and he spotted me.

"Hey kid, how you doing?" 

"Well I'm about to freeze to death which would make the second death for me today." He nodded sadly at me. 

"Come on, lets take you back." 

"To where?"

"The helicarriers. They others all made it on it, expect for Pietro. He died saving Clint." I nodded.

"I figured that's why Wanda went all crazy on me." He just nodded again before grabbing a hold of me and flying off. 

It had been a week or so now since Sokovia and I was placed with the decision on whether or not I stay on to train the new Avengers or I go off on my own. I already knew my answer.

"Stiles. You okay?" I turn to Cap and nod. "You made up your mind yet? You would be a huge help you know. Especially for Sam." I smile but shake my head.

"I need to get away for a while. Sort some stuff out." 

"Okay I understand. If you ever need help with anything call." I smile and lightly punch his shoulder.

"And the same for you. This isn't the end of Trickster." I say smirking. "And if Banner turns up-"

"You'll know straight away." Thor and Stark then comes down the hallway to us. We make our way out, Cap almost sending us off like a proud dad.

"The rules have changed." I say smirking.

"We're dealing with something new." Tony also adds. Cap and Stark both dead serious.

"Well, Vision is artificial intelligence."

"A machine." 

"So, it doesn't count?" I see Thor smiling, amused by this conversation. 

"No, it's not like it's a person lifting the hammer."

"Right, different rules for us." I say going along with it. 

"Nice guy, artificial." 

"Thank you." Cap says, happy his point is proven.

"He can wield the hammer, he can keep the mind stone. It's safe with Vision. And these day's safe is in short supply." Everyone goes silent but I think of something.

"But, if you put the hammer in an elevator..." 

"It would still go up." Tony counters.

"Elevator's not worthy." Cap responds back. 

"I'm going to miss these little talks of ours." Thor say's putting a hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Not if you don't leave."

"I have no choice. The mind stone is the fourth of the infinity stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence. Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. And once all these pieces are in position..." 

"Triple Yahtzee." I roll my eyes at Stark. We were now outside and my time here was limited before I left. 

"You think you can find out what's coming?"  Cap asks Thor.

"I do. Besides this one there is nothing that can't be explained." I laugh as Thor gestures to Tony. Thor then lifts his hammer and disappears in a rainbow light, thing. He only left behind burnt grass in a weird pattern. 

"That man has no respect for lawn maintenance. I'm going to miss him though. And you're going to miss me. Stiles is going to be missed by everyone. There is going to be a lot of manful tears." Tony brings his car around and I get onto my new motorbike that Stark gifted me. 

"I will miss you Tony, and you Stiles."

"Yeah? Well it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book. Build Pepper a farm house, hope nobody blows it up." Yeah he could never do that in a million years.

"The simple life?" I question.

"You'll get there one day." Ergh what is this, man bro time? 

"I don't know. Family, Stability. The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy five years ago. I think someone else came out." 

"Yeah at least you're not a psychopath. There's only room for one of them here." I say smirking. 

"You gonna be alright kid?" I nod at Stark.

"I'll find something do. Get a fancy apartment, ride my new bike, cause some chaos. You know, the usual." We all laugh and Stark and I left, waving to Cap. We had our own mini race down the driveway, and I somehow won. 

I drove down the roads, with all my belongings I need, with me I start my journey to Beacon Hills.

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