Chapter 48 - Me, Myself and Void

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Why me?

Why did it have to be me that has to be alone for an eternity. 

Yes void sometimes makes am appearance but he doesn't count.

Why was I the one to feel everything when I am supposed to be dead.

I feel every year,





and every second. 

I lost track of how many days it had been, but it feels like a lifetime. And who knows, maybe it has been. 

Why did I have to be picked to die.

Does the universe hate me that much?

I had gotten used to the invisibility that I had.

Now, I'm back to being powerless.

Just me, myself and void in the dark.

I didn't think death would be like this.

I used to think that after we died we would watch over our loved ones in peace.

But this is far from peace.

I have no idea who survived.

Did my dad make it?

The pack?

Scott, Lydia?

The rest of the avengers?

Or are they all gone.

And no one is going to try and save me and the others who disappeared. 

I believe they are still somewhere. 

If I am here, they can't really be gone forever, can they?

I sigh and stare into nothing.

My eyes keep playing tricks on me, thinking I see figures. 

Each time I foul myself into thinking that it might be another human being.

I am always wrong. 

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