Chapter 34 - Cat Guy

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I finished my coffee as I sat next to Sam in a café in Vienna. Sam had convinced me to help him and Cap get Bucky before he was killed or captured by the government. Even though I'm still mad he killed me. Cap then came in and stood next to us, after talking to Nat.

"She tell you to stay out of it?" Wait why do they both have caps and sunglasses on? They don't disguise them all that well. I've just got my normal clothes on. "She might have a point." 

"He'd do it for me."

"This ain't 1945. I just want to make sure we consider all our options. The people that shoot at you, usually wind up shooting at us." Sam replies.

"I shouldn't even be here. I said I wouldn't fight." I mutter slightly.

"Hey, you don't have to help us. You can back out anytime." Cap reassures but I shake my head.

"No. We're doing the right thing helping him. Even though he killed me." No one heard the last part sadly, as Sharon came up to us. 

"Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Everybody thinks the Winter Solider goes to their gym. Most of it's noise, except for this." She slides over a folder to Cap. "My boss expects a debriefing pretty much now so that's all you're going to get."

"Thanks." I say to her.

"You're going to have to hurry. We have orders to shoot on sight." She then left and Cap turned to us.

"Stiles, can you comb through this file? I know you're good at that. Sam, let's get our stuff." I nod at him, and they both leave to get our things. I take a look in the file and it's a mess of information to be honest.

"I've got my work cut out for me."  I mutter to myself and head back to my hotel room to be in more of a secure location. 

I narrowed down the file to get a location called, Bucharest. This has to be where he is, and the government has to know as well. I quickly call Cap and tell him all that I know.

I listened as Sam was informing Cap about the people that were coming. He was inside the building talking to Bucky. I was in one of the rooms in the lower levels. I see soldiers pass by, knowing exactly which room it was. 

"Breech, breech, breech!" Sam shouted out to us.  

I ran out the room I was in and into the stairwell. I started attacking them while traveling upwards. I restrained myself from killing anyone, but some where defiantly going to need a hospital. I quickly saw Cap and Bucky enter the stairwell and I called out.

"Cap you good?" He nodded in response and then Bucky spotted me. 

"I thought I killed you?" He asked confused. I just shrugged.

"It's not that easy to get rid of me." I punched another guy in the face. I saw Bucky use a guy that was hanging from the roof to get down levels. He was now at the same bit I was at. We started to fight together. I was using two short bats instead of my katana to fight with. 

Bucky suddenly jumped down the middle of the stairs, catching himself with his metal arm a way down. He yelled out in pain form this action. I quickly made my way down there two and saw that he had jumped out of the window onto the next roof. A guy in a cat suit was there with him. Cap was quickly by my side.

"You won't make it." I say to Cap as I knew what he was planning.

"Sam! Southwest rooftop." 

"Who the hell is the other guy?" Sam responded as I saw him come flying in.

"Let's find out." He then ran and jumped, Sam flying to help him.

You can make it you know.

Well I was going to do it anyways. I ran and jumped after Cap, landing in a roll on the ground. A helicopter came in shooting at us but Sam quickly took care of it. I ran over to the guy in the cat suit and knocked him off Bucky. Though whoever it was, was fast and soon was running after Bucky again. Cap and I followed. 

We ended up in a main road and I jumped down and onto a car. I looked back as Cap was still running. The car that I was on though stopped and I jumped off it, now I was ahead of the cat guy. 

I saw Cap coming up in a car and me and cat guy had the same idea of jumping on it. Though I went through the gap where a windscreen should be so I was inside it. As much as Cap tried he couldn't get rid of him.

"Sam we can't shake this guy."

"Right behind you." At this point police were everywhere. Also, where did Bucky get a motorbike from? Cat guy jumped at Bucky and they crashed slightly but somehow Bucky kept going. The entrance then caved in form an explosion and we barley made it through. Cap and I quickly got out with Sam behind us. The car rolling over us.

We were overcome by police and then Rhodey flew down. Guns were pointed at us from everywhere.

"Stand down." We all did. "Congratulations Cap, Stiles you're criminals." I was pushed to the ground onto my knees. I watched as Cat guy took off his mask to reveal his identity. T'Challa.

"Your highness."

"You've got to be kidding me." I mutter but the guys holding me heard it and shoved me to the ground like Bucky. I should learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes. I saw Sam getting arrested too. This plan epically failed didn't it?

Yes it did.

I didn't actually want you to respond. I mean you couldn't have given me any warning?

It's more fun to watch the chaos happen

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