Chapter 7 - Truth

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My uncle and I were finally home after a long, exciting day at SHIELD and picking up pizza from an amazing place nearby. I still had lots of questions but I stopped asking after and hour of no direct responses. We were now sitting at the dinning table tucking into our dinner.

"So I know you're not going to answer my questions directly, but I have to ask this one."

"Well go ahead Stiles."

"Why is Fury interested in me? Was that the reason you went to talk to him? And yes I did listen into your conversation with Agent Romanoff." Phil sighed and stopped eating and looked at me with a serious face.

"Fury can see potential of a great agent in you. I knew this would happen ever since you were a little kid trying to help your dad with his work. The way your mind works is unique and Fury likes unique." I take a moment to process this information.

"So what happens now?"

"Fury wants you to train as an agent, it's your choice whether or not you want to lead that sort of life." I'm guessing the whole part of leaving everyone one you love behind like he did. Too bad I've already done that.

"I've already left everything except you. I want to do this, nothing else was working out for me. This is what I want to do." Silence fills the apartment as we both think my decision through in our heads.

Could I really become a secret agent for SHIELD? I would no longer be the skinny human. But would I have to tell people, my uncle about my past? I don't know if I can do that or not.

"Phil? Will I-I have to tell others about my past? The whole story?" My voice came out meek, not like a strong man but like a mouse.

"Most likely yes." He obviously saw my distress at this answer. "Stiles, you can only tell me and Fury if it really is that hard to tell."

"I want to tell you now, but you won't believe me. It sounds insane."

"You've told me about human sacrifice so far, how more insane can it get than that?" I laugh a little, but my smile doesn't reach to my eyes.

"Trust me, human sacrifice is low on the level of crazy." Phil raised is eyebrows in discomfort and astonishment.

"Just answer me this and then this conversation will be done for now. Do you want to tell me and Fury separately or together? I can make anything work, but this will have to happen soon as Fury wanted you to start training as soon as possible if you agreed."

Okay telling them together means I only have to go through the mess in my head once. Though it might be awkward with Fury there and might be better leaving all emotion to Phil and have a strong facade with Fury. Or I could just not be a wimp for once and take my past in my stride?

"I'll tell you both at the same time. When will this happen?"

"Tomorrow afternoon or the day after that. Is that okay with you?" One night to prepare myself. Great.

"Just promise me you won't think I'm crazy." Phil smiled.

"Don't worry, I already think that." I rolled my eyes and threw a tea-towel at him, laughing before heading to bed.

Today is the day my uncle finds out how insane I am. Or what living in Beacon Hills was like I guess but they are more or less the same thing.
I'm still not too sure what to say or how to explain it. I've done it with my dad before but that didn't turn out so good did it?

I shook my head clear of thoughts and pull on some clean jeans, a black t-shirt and a red hoodie. Finishing my normal look with my old trainers.

I check my hair in the mirror that was hanging in the wall. It was messy as usual and still was a bit damp from my shower this morning.

"Stiles I've made pancakes!" I run to the kitchen at my uncles words and tuck in to the delicious meal of pancakes and syrup.

"These are really good." I say between mouthfuls.

"Why thank you." Phil responds staring in his own plate. "So you ready for today?" I scoffed brushing it off like it wasn't burning in the back of my mind constantly all night.

"The real question is are you ready?"

"For what the part when I hear your story or you actually picking up a gun for the first time?" He says smiling.

"I'll have you know I'm actually a pretty good shot. I learnt a couple years ago." Phil stops to look at me before going back to his pancakes.

"I don't wanna know." The irony is he will know, in about four hours time he will know everything.

Was this a good idea? I'm not sure if it was but I'm going to go through with it. Not more weak, skinny, defenceless Stiles. I might be human but I'm training to serve something bigger and better than me.

"You alright Stiles?" Phil asks me.

"Yeah I'll be fine." I speak with confidence as I tuck back into my breakfast. Phil doesn't ask anymore questions or press the subject.

He will know the reason soon.

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