Chapter 24 - Back To Work

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I clung onto the back of the off road car that Nat was driving while Clint shot at the attackers. 

"You know when you said you needed Cap and I's help again. I expected a better driver!" I shouted to them.

"Stop complaining and get on with it!" Nat hollered back. Two people wearing some sort of flying devices came up on us. I readied my sword but Clint and Nat had already taken care of them.

"Is there even any point of me being here? You know I could be having a nice relaxing time at home, but no!" I mutter to myself, forgetting everyone can hear me anyways.

"Shut up Stiles. Get to work." Clint responded and I rolled my eyes. Tony flew past us and Thor took out the car behind us. I noticed the guns they were using were not like normal ones. Like every other HYDRA base we have been to there were advanced tech.

I stood up and did my best at keeping my balance while deflecting shots and fighting people. We all jumped out the car in unison with the others onto the attackers, weapons ready. Four soldiers advanced on me, but I took them down quickly.


"Language." I laugh at Cap's old ways. "Jarvis what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy force. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

I stab two people through each other then kick another in the chest, sending them flying backwards. 

"Then the scepter must be here." I add. "Strucker wouldn't waste all this defense if it wasn't." 

"At long last." I hear Thor mutter. I pull out my guns and shot five soldiers bullseye in the head. I've been told by all the other avengers that I kill too many people, but what other way is there that can truly stop them?

"At long last is lasting a little long boys." 

"Yeah I think we lost the element of surprise." 

"Wait a second, no one else is gonna deal with the fact Cap said, language?" 

"I know. It just slipped out." 

I made my way through the HYDRA soldiers to Clint. Shots were raining down on us as we hid behind trees. I slowly took out one of my new throwing knives Stark made me and looked at my target. 

Clint shot an arrow, but it didn't seem to hit...well anything. He signalled me to throw and I did. Again it didn't hit a thing. 

Enhanced are here. Speed and mind.

Oh great. 

Clint went to shoot another arrow but was hit down by I presume, the enhanced person.

"You didn't see that coming?" As the man spoke I threw my knife, only for him to turn and catch it at lighting speed. The enhanced then sped away. I saw Clint fall to the ground from being shot and run over. 

"Clint's hit." Nat comes running over to see if her friend is alright. I look out for more soldiers. "There's enhanced on the field." 

"I saw them too." Cap said after me.

"Someone wanna deal with that bunker?" Nat asked as shots kept coming our way. The hulk ran in and destroyed the thing, making me smile. "Thank you."

"Stark we need to get inside."

"I'm closing in. Jarvis, am I closing in?" I scoff and look back down at Clint.

"Will you be good here?" Nat nods and I run off in the direction of the wrecked bunker. I use it's remains as cover to shoot from. 

"The drawbridge is down people." I sigh. I just ran out of ammo.

"Clint's hurt pretty bad guys, we're gonna need evac." 

"I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone the better." Thor responded. "Find the scepter."

"And for gosh sake, watch your language." I add in at the end. 

"That's not going away anytime soon." I laugh slightly at Cap.

I make my way into the prison like building and meet up with Cap, who tells Nat to de-hulk the hulk. I kick the man guarding the doorway, down to the floor.

"Baron Strucker. HYDRA's number one thug." Cap says walking out past me.

"Technically I'm a thug for SHEILD." I scoff at his attempts.

"Well then technically you're unemployed." 

"Where's Loki's scepter?" Cap questions, ignoring me. 

"Don't worry I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope." Strucker spoke slowly.

"Oh yeah, we'll put it right under 'illegal human experimentation.' How many are there?" A girl then walks past and somehow push Cap and I down the stairs that were behind us. She is the mind I'm guessing Void was on about. 

"We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage." 

"You'll have to be faster-" Cap cut Struckers annoying voice off by bringing up his shield to his face. 

"We got Strucker guys." I spoke to the others.

"Yeah, I got something bigger." Huh? What did he find? The scepter? "Thor, I got eyes on the prize." 

We were back at the quinnjet now and I was sharpening my katana. Clint was in the medical bed unhappy that he was the only one that got hurt. 

"Thor report on the hulk." Nat called out catching my attention. This won't end well.

"The gates of hel are filled with the screams of his victims." Everyone sighs but I just smirk, knowing this would happen. "But not the dead of course. No, no, wounded screams. Mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of sprained deltoids and gout." If he went on any longer I don't think I would be able to hold my laughter in.

"Hey Banner, Dr Cho is on her way in from Seoul. Is it okay if she sets up in your lab?" Tony asks from the cockpit.

"Uh, yeah she knows her way around." 

"Thanks." He then mumbles some stuff, probably to Jarvis like usual. He comes away from pilot to talk to us. "Feels good huh? I mean you've been after this thing since SHEILD collapsed. Not that I haven't enjoyed out little raiding parties."

"No, but this... This brings it to a close." Thor responds.

"As soon as we find out what else this has been used for. I don't just mean weapons." 

"Yeah, since when has Strucker been capable of human enhancement?" I pipe in form my sitting position on the floor. 

"Banner and I will give it the once over before it goes back to Asgard. Is that cool with you? Just a few days until thee farewell party. You are staying right?" I rolled my eyes. Tony's parties are fun but he has them all the time. Also technically I'm too young to drink, as I'm twenty. 

"Yes, yes, of course. A victory should be honored with revels."

"Yeah who doesn't love revels? Captain?"

"Hopefully this put's an end to the Chitauri and HYDRA. So yes, revels."

"Well I'm coming simply cause I can't technically drink in public." I say smirking at Cap and Nat's disapproving faces. 

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