Chapter 11 - Him

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I opened my eyes to be blinded by a white light that hung above me. I slowly sight up to see that I'm in the infirmary on the floating ship that is SHIELD. A nurse quickly come rushing in and questions me about my health. But all I could think about was Loik, the SHIELD base collapsing and Phil. Was he alright? Did he make it out? My questions were soon to be answered when I saw Fury appear at the door.

"What happened with Loki?"

"He got away, taking a few men down in the process. Coulson is fine, though he is currently out fetching someone for me." I nod my head, annoyed at myself for blacking out. "You wanna explain to me why your brain looks remarkably strange?" What?

"You guys looked at my brain? Why?"

"The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with you. You know of anything?" I shook my head.

"All I remember is a killer headache." I look down sadly for a moment. "Is that all Sir?"

"No. You know about the Avengers Initiative right?" I nodded. It was the act of bringing different people together to help save others. Like a pack of some sorts. "Well I'm trying it out. I think it's the only way to stop Loki. Now I know you're uncle doesn't think you're ready but, a man with your knowledge and skill, I think it's worth a try. You were also attacked by the tesseract and we have found strange chemicals in your blood, you may be the key to finding it." I know he is asking me to join the avengers.

"Sir, are you sure I'm the right guy? I'm only 20 and-" He cuts me off.

"There is no doubt about it Stiles. Are you in?" I think before nodding. This is my chance to make up for the wrongs I have done. "Good, now I need you to d something for me."

The muscular man kept throwing punches at the bag hanging from the ceiling. He hadn't notice me come in so I kept quite, observing him. He seemed to be thinking to hard, I know what that's like. A few years ago, before sophomore year I would have died to be in this room with him, now not so much. Suddenly the punching bag snaps from the chain that was holding it up and onto the floor. The soldier panted as he hung up another one. As he started punching again, I made my presence known.

"Trouble sleeping?" He looked over at my and noticed the SHIELD badge I wore.

"I slept for seventy years, I think I've had my fill." I walked closer to him.

"Then you should go out, celebrate it, seeing the world." He stopped punching and unraveled the wraps from around his hands.

"When I went under, the world was at war. I wake up they say we on, they didn't say what we lost."

"We made some mistakes along the way, some very recently."

"You here with a mission? From Fury?"

"I am."

"Tying to get me back in the world?" To be honest he doesn't seem that willing, or happy at all.

"Trying to save it." I hand him the folder with the files on the tesseract in it. He had a look but quickly gave it back to me. "Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you.He though what we think,the tesseract is the key to unlimited, sustainable energy. That's something the world needs."

"Who took it from you?"

"He's called Loki, he's not from around here." I almost laugh at that but I'm working. "There is a lot we'll have to catch you up on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know." I smirk slightly at that.

"At this point I doubt anything will surprise me."I raise my eyebrows at this.  Oh really? let me call up my friend Lydia shall I?

"Ten bucks says you're wrong." He got up an picked u a punching bag. "There's a debriefing packet waiting for you in your apartment. Is there anything you can tell us about the tesseract we ought to know?"

"You should of left it in the ocean." I roll my eyes at the soldier and call up phil, notifying him of what's happening.  I needed to get back to the helicarrier.

Once I was back I had a bit of time before Phil arrived with Steve, where Romanoff and I were meant to meet him. I was in my bunk looking at all the missed calls and texts from people in Beacon Hills. I only reply to Lydia, but I can't tell her what I'm doing. It kills me. My head suddenly started throbbing. I held my head in pain as it felt like a hundred needles were being stabbed into my head.

"What the hell is happening to me!" I almost shouted as tears pricked my eyes, threatening to run down my face.


No, no no no no no on no.

"NO!" He can't be back. We killed him!


"Agent Coulson you are needed at the deck." a voice crackled through my comm into my ear. My headache was gone like it was never there. I hurry up to the deck  trying not to think about it. It was just my mind playing tricks, that's all.

I watch as the quinjet stopped in front of me, Romanoff joining my side. Phil walks out first and we greet each other with a smile.

"Agent Romanoff, Stiles. This is Captain Rogers." He looked around amazed, but I could tell he was somewhat used to the military surroundings.

"They need you on the bridge, there starting to face trace." Phil walks off as we walk in the other direction. "Quite the buzz around here, finding you in the ice. Thought Coulson was gonna swoon." I snigger a bit. My uncle is a huge Captain America fan.

"Did he ask you to sign his Captain America trading cards yet?" I add in smiling.

"Trading cards?" He asks amazed.

"There vintage, he's very proud." Just then I saw Cap spot Banner.

"Doctor Banner!" I smile at the man as he comes over. A searing pain floods into my head for the second time today. i excuse myself quickly and get back to my bunk.

I splashed water onto my face and looked up into the mirror. I jumped back at my reflection. It wasn't me, it was him. It was Void. I was Void.


Hey sorry I haven't uploaded  in a while I had exams for a straight week :(

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