Chapter 37 - Civil War

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Cap ran after Black Panther who I presume was trying to get to Bucky. He has this whole vendetta against him for killing his father, which he didn't do. I saw Lang get his ass beat by Nat, which almost made me laugh when he shrunk and got her. Nat finally got up and turned to me.

"Stiles..." I nod, knowing how she feels.

"I know." I sigh and look around us. "This is stupid." 

"Then why are you fighting?" I cock my eyebrow up and look at her. 

"Cap is right. I value freedom more than anything. If that means I have to give up the avengers, I'll do it. Because I will always be Trickster, and you will always be my family." While Nat takes a moment to relax I trip her up and start running towards Bucky and Sam. 

I was about to enter the building where I know they are when Spiderman flies out of it, with redwing flying behind him. I didn't realise what was happening until I had to dodge the red and blue figure that was falling on top of me. 

"Ahh." The Spiderboy groans. I laugh which makes him jump up and face me. "Oh err... hi.. You-your Trickster! I love you by the way. The whole hood thing is really cool. An-and is it true that you have someone else inside of you that can speak to you?" 

"Okay stop." The Spiderboy thing stopped talking finally, but doesn't stop fidgeting. He really is like the old me I guess. "We are on different sides Spideyboy, run along and impress Stark. I mean that's the only reason you are here right?"

"Ye-yeah I need to impress him. I mean this is sort of my first fight." I roll my eyes. "Wait... I should be fighting you!" Okay I'm bored. 

I start throwing punches and kicks at him and the guy nearly dodges all of them. Nearly. He gets sent to the ground but pulls himself up with the weird web stuff from before. He tries webbing my hands and feet together but I dodge all of it. It helped having Void giving me a heads up every so often as well. 

We seemed to match each others strengths, and weaknesses. Though he is still young. I'm impressed and I know I will be hearing more bout Spiderman in the future. Though as I think this I knock him to the ground again. 

"Stiles, our ride is open. Group up, everyone!" Cap says over coms and I immediately leave Spiderman and run over to my team. I see him do the same thing. 

We get stopped by Stark and his team when we where so close to the jet. I stand beside Scott and Clint, waiting for it to start.

"Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you are doing is right. But for the collective good. You must surrender now."

"What do we do Cap?" Sam asks.

"We fight." Both sides start walking towards each other, which soon turns into running. Wanda and Sam lift off on our side while Stark, Vision and Rhodey fly up on theirs. 

I keep running with Clint and we both attack Nat. All of us not going full out, not actually wanting to hurt anybody. Clint gets Nat on the ground.

"We are still friends right?" 

"Depends on how hard you hit me." Then  a web hits me, restraining my hands from moving. I look up and see Spiderman. I glare at him as he flies off. 

"Clint, little help." He chuckles a little but cuts me free. Clint gets ready to do some stupid thing with Scott to get at Tony. I meet up with Bucky under an airplane, that surprisingly hasn't been blown up yet. 

"Hey, this isn't doing anything. We are just delaying." I mutter to him. Cap then joins us. 

"We gotta go. The guy is probably in Siberia by now." Bucky told him, understanding my point.

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