Just The Start

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Regina is heading to her new job at a high school in Maine. She grabs her phone and starts to call her mother Cora.
Reginas POV*
I'm on a phone call with my mom Cora:
"So I started this new job in Maine and I'm not sure how it's going to turn out. I've heard the stories about the scary tells of high schoolers. Well I hope everything turns out okay for me today mommy". . "Okay Regina just know to call me if you need anything at all." "Alright mom I got to go school starts at 7:09 and I don't want to be late for the first day." I said.
Emma's POV*
it's my first day in this new town and at this new school. I have no idea how it's gonna go or turn out. And I'm terrified to even think about it. I start looking for my backpack and see that it's literally no where to be found.
"Okay MOM where is my backpack I cannot find it and I'm going crazy." i waited a while still no answer. " GOD DAMIT MARY  MARGRET WHERE IS MY DAMN BACKPACK IM ALREADY 13 MINUTES LATE." I give up on answers at this point. You know what fuck it imma wing it. I walk out the door and shout "BYE ASSHOLES."
I get to school and I immediately notice I have no classes with my best friend Ella. I sighed and took off my red leather jacket leaving my skin exposed because I forgot about the dress code policy but it's not like it matters anyways because my school never checks. Hopefully my first class isn't a bitch for the fact I'm spending 3 hours a day with her. I walk in class I immediately notice a tall tan brunette with a black pencil skirt and black stilettos and a half way unbuttoned shirt. I immediately froze. "Miss swan?" She said "MISS SWAN?" Okay I don't know what's happening but you're making me slightly weirded out. "Oh I'm sorry miss mills is it? I was a bit shocked because w..well.., never mind it's embarrassing imma just find a table u..uhh" .
"Well miss swan you certainly have a way of making a entrance. Welcome to first period creative writing I'm excited to get to know what deep secrets wonder through your mind."
I sat there completely and utterly shocked she is a complete BABE. I quickly take out my phone and text Ella. Emma:"ELLA MISS MILLS IS A TOTAL BABE ID HIT THAT"
Emma: "lol she's soooo straight."
Ella: "well you have some catching up to do. Miss mills is anything but straight. ANYTHING but straight."
Emma: "how would you kn..."
"Miss swan give me your phone"
I came to my senses and gave her my phone she began reading the screen. Her face looked amused and slightly perplexed as she continued to read on. I was just sitting there powerless blushing like a MOTHER FUCKER. She then handed me back the phone and whispered
"Miss Swan I think you should stay after class"
Fuck. FUCK. Fuck Fuck. I'm screwed.  I thought my life was over until I heard the voice  of an angle say,
"Miss swan don't over think it I know that look you're fine we're just gonna have a friendly talk." Until then everyone get out your pencils it's poetry time" I was in shock I never knew her voice was so angelic. It's soft and gentle and she sounds like she would never hurt a fly. And then she carried on with,
"Today we will be writing a poem WITH completely RAW emotion no holding back anything! Every piece of emotion goes into this poem"
I thought well this is gonna get deep she may not want to even look at me after I finish with this poem but well imma wing it. So I picked up my pencil and wrote:
"I can't be what everyone wants me to be.
Everything I do is just another mistake.
Ican't make anyone happy or proud.
I only make them mad and dissappointed.
I understand that everyone hates me.
I understand no one will cry.
I know im not loved.
I don't know how to love.
And now I never will.
I just wish..................".
The bell rings class is over. Finally I don't have to be in that hot steamy class room. But then it hits me I have to stay after class to see what miss mills needs FUCK. FUCK FUCK FUCK GOD FUCKING DAMN.
"Miss swan wait we still need to talk remember".
Yes miss I remember. So what's the flow.
"I read your text and I have to say I'm flattered but it's highly inappropriate,.........how old are you miss swan?"
Do I tell her?
"Im 18" i mumbled.
"Ahhh okay welllll..... actually never mind you're dismissed."
I left wondering what was she going to say. She can't leave a me on heard like that well I guess it's for the best. Why even fool myself thinking I would get a chance with godly ness.

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