Painful Pleasure

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Emma's POV*
As Regina walked to pick up the phone she heard Alices voice. Alice had said "Regina you better get your ass back to Maine or else I will end your life." Regina then hung up without saying a word and grabbed my hand and then Skyped Alice. Alice answered and Gina said "oh does this provoke you?." She then proceeded to kiss Me passionately leaving Alice in anger. "REGINA YOU BETTER STOP KISSING THAT SLUT." Regina closed the laptop and proceeded to kiss me.
I pulled away, "what the hell was that Regina. I mean I liked it but I'm pretty sure your beautiful wife is going to kill me; physically KILL ME."
"Well my wife isn't all that beautiful and I won't let her kill you."
"Are you sure cuz she sounded pretty serious." "Oh my god Emma do u really believe that demon. I swear Alice has gone mad, she isn't the woman I feel in love with."
"You loved her?"
"Well of course I loved her, she was my wife, she was kind, until she wasn't I blame myself because maybe I'm the one who got her this way, maybe I made her crazy."
"Aww Gina you didn't make her crazy, I'm pretty sure she was mad before you even met her."
"Well whatever. I love you now."
We kissed for about 3 minutes and then Alice texted Regina. "I warned you Regina, you have no idea what I can do, you have no idea what Buttons I could push to end you and your little affair."
Regina jumped up and put her shoes on, she told me that Alice was up to something. Then about a minute in a half later Reginas bank account was missing $700 that's the price of a ticket to SF. "She's at the airport catching a plane to SF right now". Regina yelled.
"Well shouldn't we go to the police"?
"The police won't do shit, they never help lgbt out".
I grab my stuff and run out the door, I make my way to the police station. I tell them about everything that happened and they made me wait for hours, I then get a call from Regina, her voice is shaking and she then cried out "she's here. At the door she has a gun."
I quickly tell the police that there's a potential threat and the suspect is armed. And they gather the crew and make there way up to Regina's room. The door is wide open and Regina's laying there with a bullet hole in her chest. Alice proceeded to come out the restroom and the next thing you know my world went black.

Regina's POV*
I'm waiting for Emma to come back but she not. so I assume they held her for questioning, but I hear banging on the door, I look through the peep hole and see Alice, I start to panic and pick up my phone to call Emma. "Emma she's here at the door she has a gun." "Tell the cops to hurry she does not look pleased." I end the call and the next thing you know she bust through the door. She starts yelling at me telling me to suffer and die. I pick up a bat to wack her across the head, when she turns around and the next thing you know she caught me. and shot me in the chest. hurts. I look down and see a puddle of blood over my body and then my world turns grey. I wake up in the hospital after surgery it's about 9:45 and I asked where I am, and then it hit me "IVE BEEN SHOT." I yelled. "ALICE JONES SHOT ME." The nurses ran into my room and told me they know and that they already took me up into surgery. Then looked me in the eye and said "Regina Mills I'm so sorry but your wife has died in the O.R the police shot her, do you mind signing theses forms and do you know if she was an organ donor because her organs are still vital." I start hyperventilating. " died?"
The nurses looked puzzled as did I. "Emma" they asked? not Emma Alice. Your friend Emma is out of surgery she's in a comma though.? Would you like to see her?"
My heart rate quickly went down. "Hell yea I wanna see her." Then they got a wheel chair and before wheeling me out they said "it's a pretty bad sight, and on top of that when Emma wakes up she might not remember a thing." I didn't care about the possible side effects I just wanted to see her. As soon as I got in the room I held her hand and began crying, she looked so pale and dead. I then got out the chair and jumped in her bed cuddling her, I daze off to sleep and the next thing you know The nurses rush in about an hour later and said "welcome back Miss swan!" I turned to look at Emma and seen her face puzzled and pale. She yelled and said "who the hell are you and why are you in my bed?"
"Emma dear, you don't remember me?"
"No now get the fuck out my room!"
I walked out in pain never looking back once.

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