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Emma's POV*
on a car ride that seems like forever I decide to take a nap.
I wake up to see that we're in North Dakota and we stoped to take a pee break. It's about 2:00 am and Regina comes out of the gas station with rumple. I look at her and she smiles.
"My sleeping beauty is finally awake!"
"Yeah... how long have I been sleeping?"
"Well RUMPLE! drugged you and Henry with daysssss worth of sleeping pills so you've been sleeping for 4 days already."
"And Henry?"
"Since we left, but don't worry about him I've been checking on him hourly. So he's okay."
"Um okay. So how much longer is this ride?"
"To be honest I have no idea! But I'm enjoying it actually. I've never been anywhere outside the east side of the USA so this is an adventure! We still have to go through Canada border check and all that so it might be long. And I'm running low on gas money."
"Well fuck."
"Now now Regina don't worry. Cora gave me a million dollars for doing her dirty work so I got you covered."
"Ugh rumple."
"Wait... Cora sent you?"
"Well no shit!"
"Well that explains a lot."
"What does my mother want?"
"That's between you and your mother dearie not me!"
"Well you're her hit man the least you could do is provide her daughter with information about the hit."
"Trust me Emma if I knew I would. But I don't so just keep driving Regina."

I go back to sleep and wake up to find myself at the Canada border.
"We're here?"
"Not yet almost."
"Has Henry woke up yet?"
"Yea twice actually!" He went back to sleep though."
"Oh okay. What did you tell him?"
"That were going on a trip and not to trip."
"Hehe that was funny. I could see rump has fallen asleep."
"So why are we still on the trip then?"
"Because I'm curious on what my mother wants with me."
"Oh okay. Well let's stop and take some pictures!"
"Way ahead of you cow girl!"
"Have you look pictures in every state?"
"Ouu Okay!"
"Yep I'm debating over weather I should make a real album or a Facebook album."
"Make both!"
"Mmm good idea."
"Okay well I'm staying up for the rest of the drive!"
"So wanna pull over and have car sex?"
"EMMA! there is people in the car!"
I turn to hear a angrily old mans voice say "yeah I would not like to watch or hear that without my wife around. So... let's not!"
"Ugh he's up."
"Yes I am. So freaky times over and more driving time."
"Okay.... I wonder what Henry's dreaming about."
"Probably a hot girl in his class."
I giggle.
"Nah. He's probably dreaming about the perfect life with his perfect family."
"Enough. Men don't dream about that stuff. We dream about wrestling and boxing. And being the best at our favorite sports."
"Henry's so not dreaming about that. He doesn't even like sports!"
"Okay Regina keep driving, only 4 more hours."
"Ouff thank god! I was starting to think I wasn't getting anywhere anytime soon."
We giggle and rumple lays back down.
"Wake me up when we get near the gate."
"Okay rumple. sweet dreams."
"He's sweet when he's not trying to kill you. Or stalk you."
"Tell me about it!"

Four hours later.

"Rumple! Rumple. Wake up we're here.
"Okay. Cora said the code is 4578. And her house is 7835 so yeah look for that house addy."
"Big help rump. Big help!"
We start to drive and pull up to a big black matte house.
"Rumple are you sure this is the place? It's kinda spooky."
"Yep this is it dear, Emma Cora wishes that you and Henry stay in the car."
"Don't worry she's not gonna kill you!"
"She better not kill her or else..."
"Emma I'll be fine!"

Regina's POV*
He forces me to the door and i work up the courage to knock on it.
I ball my hand into a fist a knock.
A dark beautiful lady walks up to the door and opens it. Before I could even say hey mother she looks down and says.
"Well, well, well. I could see someones regretting their marriage now."
"Mother I would never!"
"Oh well you're about to be."
I walk in and make my way to the living room.
"Mother what am I doing here?"
"Look and listen."
"I don't like Emma! At all! And not because of the flinches or the startled faces, because you chose her over THE PRINCE who is still waiting by the way. So here's what we're going to do. You're either gonna divorce Emma..."
Before she could even finish I interrupted her by saying "I'm never going to divorce her mother what don't you understand!"
"Very well. Rumple set the boys execution date for Today at 9:00 pm."
"Wait WHAT!"
"So who's it gonna be the boy or the girl?"
"Mother if I divorce Emma how's that gonna benefit you!"
"It won't but I can't STAND to see you happy!"
"Why are you like this!"
I start crying and we hear a knock on the door.
"Well Emma's here so I guess it's time for you to tell her. And make it believable too."
"Don't tell me dear! Tell her!"
Cora opens the door and Emma's standing there smiling.
"Regina are you okay?"
"Yeah Emma, um look my mother read my diary and she said either I tell you or she does and I rather have you hear this from me... Emma we need to get a divorce... I don't love you anymore. I stopped loving you the day I caught you with Dorothy. Take Henry drive or catch a flight back to Maine. Keep my house and my car. But I'm staying here with my mom."
I slip the ring off my finger and tears start to pour Down my cheeks.
"Regina. But.... you... you.. you said you would love me forever. You were the candy cane to my Christmas Day. You promised me that no matter what we'd find away to be together and I don't care that you don't love me because baby I love you. And I have so many questions for you know but I guess if this is what makes you happy go for it. But baby I will always love and there will never be a day in my life where I will stop loving you. But for now I'm going to get in my car and drive! I'm going to drive far far far away from you because you hurt me in a way that I've never been hurt before. And you made me realize why I was so afraid to love. I don't understand where this is coming from. Because you were fine with me 24 minutes ago and I don't know where to begin with you right now. I've done nothing but love you! I tore my shirt for you. I would do anything to feel your hugs and to taste your kisses one last time but I guess you wouldn't enjoy it. So goodbye Regina. Until next time."
"Wait emma! I... "
I turn to see mother standing there listening in.
"Emma I don't love you because I never did. I just used you! I used you for hot gay sex. And I used you for money and I used you to feel loved for a while but I found someone better. Someone more handsome. So leave. LEAVE RIGHT NOW!"
I turned my back and I heard the door slam I couldn't help to but to cry my heart out in an empty bed room upstairs.
"Mother I hate you! You made me tell her lies. You made me convince her that everything I felt for her was a lie. YOU MANIPULATED ME FOR WHAT! The sake of my emotions! GOD I HATE YOU. I wish I had a mother who loved me. And cared for me and wanted me to be happy. But I guess the universe likes to fuck people over. DON'T YOU UNIVERSE! DON'T YOU!!!"
"Regina! Knock it off!"
"No mother you knock it off. I'm catching a flight back to Maine in about a month! I wish I could leave tomorrow but I can't. I can't bare to see Emma right now BECAUSE OF YOU!"
"Get yourself together Regina. Tomorrow will be a better day. We'll spend time together just you and me... you'll be happier by the fact you finally let her go."

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