What if?

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Regina POV*
I wake up and walk Down stairs, I immediately seeAlice day time drinking and I began to make my way into the kitchen.
"You're day time drinking again Alice?"
"Mind your bloody fucking business Regina!"
"I'm.... I'm sorry."
"God I wish I married someone more intelligent."
"ALICE! I have a PhD for God's sake. I worked my tail of in a university just to be a teacher to annoying, diaper rash having ass kids. So don't sit here and judge me on intelligence just for asking a question."
"Regina, last time I checked I owned you! Don't make me get up and smash this bottle on the top of your tiny little head."
"Alice I'm sorry."
"I'm going to get to work."
I walk out the door, start my car, and head to a little elementary in Maine."
As i get out the car I notice a tall, blonde female with cheeky glasses walking my my way.

The girl starts approaching Me and I began to fix my hair. I look up and she says,
"Hey! My names Emma and I'm the new school social worker.!"
"Um. Hey Regina nice to met you."
"So which grade do you teach?!"
"I'm a kindergarten teacher."
"Degree level.. if that's not to personal,
I'm not interrogating you just look like a cleaver woman!"
"Oh I have a PhD."
"WOW! for teaching! That's amazing. Lol. You could just switch grades whenever you please."
"Yea it's quite fun!"
"Well anyways see you around... Gina."
She gives off a wink and walks into the building.
I look down and up. And smile with joy!....

I make it into the classroom to see the children sitting down well behaved.
"Hey what's up everyone?"
"Miss swan said that we must be well behaved in order to get candy."
"Miss swan?"
"Uh YESSS! the social worker!"
"Oh! Yes! She's quite the charm isn't she!"
"Ooooooo someone has a crush!"
"Shhhh I'm married."
"To who?!"
"My wife! Alice!"
"Well is Alice prettier than miss swan?"
"Uh... I don't know! But I'm married and you can't say stuff like that!"
"Why... would you get hit?"
"My dad hits my mom."
"Well your dad is a bad man maybe you should go see the social worker."
"Miss mills you didn't answer the question... maybe you should go see the social worker."
I hear a sneeze and turn to see Emma.
"Yea maybe some one should come talk to the social worker... Regina write up the kid I'll handle him."
She starts walking closer to me. She gets on her tip toes and whispers "come talk to me too. If you feel like you need it."
"I'm fine Miss swan, you could actually take the kid now."
"Alrighty Miss Mills, see you soon."
She walks away and I start to debate weather or not I should talk to her or stay to myself?.....

The bell finally rang and I decide to talk to Emma. I walk to her office and Knock on the door.
She opens the door smiling and says "come in."
I walk into the room and pull up a chair.
"Okay so what's the issue.?"
"Okay so... I'm going to go all out with you.... I have an very abusive wife and she scares me every second of my life. I want to leave her but I feel like every little time I try it just gets worse."
"Okay.. well I happen to know a LONG list of people who would love! To treat you like a queen..."
"Oh really like who."
She gets out of her rolling chair and walks to me. She cuffs my cheek and then says. "When you're ready to leave I think you'll have a pretty good idea where to start."
I look at her with complete love in my eyes and then she turns and says "well sessions over I have to head home, my son Henry and daughter hope is waiting for me."
"Oh okay."
I turn and put my two fingers to my lips. I began walking out the room. I then ran into the parking lot realizing I'm about 2 hours late and Alice is physically going to kill me.
I speeded down the freeway and finally made my way into the drive way. Alice is standing outside with a bat.
"Regina where have you been!"
"I was talking to the children's mothers."
"Sure you were."
She held up the bat and then swung.
The next thing I knew I was in the hospital. I look up to see Alice smiling.
She looks down at me and says
"This is for cheating."
She Injects a drug into my iv bag and then walks away. I drift off and suddenly my world goes black. "Where am I? And I dead?"
"Yes dear. She killed you sadly."
I dropped to my knees. But. But. Emma was waiting for me!
"Alice ran off to steal your lady dear."
I fall to the floor and start crying and shaking.


It was all just a dream.
I turn over to see Emma sound asleep. I get up out of bed to see Henry laying in bed wide awake. "Henry what are you doing awake?"
"I'm having these thoughts and they don't want to go away. Help me momma please!"
"Baby I forgive you. Do you want me to cuddle with you tonight?"
"Would you?"
Even though I still saw Alice In his eyes I nodded my head and wrapped him in my arms.
"Everything is going to be alright, well take you to see the psychiatrist in the morning."

(Authors note: okay so basically this was like a what if chapter ... like what if Regina never met emma until later on in life when it was too late and let Alice control her. I'm trying to work on some better content but the only time have I have some free time to write is at night and that 25 minute lunch break I have at school. So sorry about the BORING story line so far. I PROMISE I will spice it WAYYY.!)

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