Or Something Old

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Regina POV*
This cannot be happening. "Maleficent hi.... w.. what are you doing here? I whispered with a anxious shake in my voice. " oh Reggie don't get your hopes up to high I just came to say I miss you babe I've been in Boston waiting for you for about a year now and you never did break up with me in-fact we're engaged!" Hi you must be my fiancé's favorite student!."
"Mal leave Emma alone, although she is my favorite student I don't think we can do this here. "
"No actually I was just leaving you and Mal or whatever her name is can be a happy loving cute couple. Go on live in fancy and have sex and have babies and actually I think maleficent is a ridiculous name, I mean who names there child after a Disney villain!"
"Well a lot of people do actually.."
"That's not the point the point is... NEVER MIND fuck you miss mills I hope you burn in Hell!"
For once in my life it felt like I had actually lost a huge part of me. I felt heart broken. I wanted to cry but I knew I couldn't because I'm apparently getting married NEXT month.. I held back tears as I watched Emma leave out the parking lot in her yellow mustang with the adorable bumper plates. "Believe".
"So babe are we gonna do this or not"
" No, well I don't know, what made you ask?"
"Because you never looked at me like that. You never looked at me the way you looked at her. And I didn't know if it was because i did something wrong or you lost emotion but now I'm starting to realize you never loved me like you love her. You may have "liked me" but you never LOVED Me. So go, go chase your woman find where she lives and chase her."
I immediately turn on my car and find her address I knock on her door only to be greeted by the infamous MARY MARGARET! "Hey Mary I was wondering if Emma is home?"
"Yeah she's home but let me tell you this, I know exactly what happened and I'm not okay with it but at the same time I understand. Love comes in different shapes and forms and sometimes it catches us by surprise. So all I ask is just please don't break my daughters heart again. PLEASE!"
"Look I didn't mean to and I'm sorry about everything it was a bad engagement. I didn't know what I was doing with life so I left Boston to get a fresh start. I tried to call off the engagement but every-time I tried it felt like something would get in the way. I love your daughter so much and I would die to marry her or even just hold her. So I'm sorry"
I glanced up and noticed Emma standing on the 3 step of the stair case while tears were rolling down hers and mary Margarets face. Emma approaches and kisses me, she tasted like pumpkin spice and lemonade. she asked Mary Margaret if she could have some alone time with me. I grab Emma and I push her against the wall

She takes of my shirt and my pants and then becomes the dominant somehow

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She takes of my shirt and my pants and then becomes the dominant somehow. We're making out and she starts to finger me. I moan but softly because we appear to be outside on her porch. Good thing there's a wall there but it's still outside. But gradually my moans get louder and louder and soon enough I find my body trembling and shaking and sweating and Emma pulls her fingers out and says "did you just finish?" And i say "I sure did and get dressed Emma's face is lit up with joy and she proceeded to say "I've never made ANYONE finish before." And I said well how many people have you tried and she said "6" and I said "w...wellllllll lucky number 7 am I right?!"
She giggled and said "wow, I can't believe we did that outside. " I laughed and said "right!" I remember she had text a friend something and I giggled and said "well you finally got to hit this!"
She blushed and giggled and proceeded to say "damn right I did!"
Things were starting to cool down as we sat on the swinging chair playing with each other's hair we discussed love, hope, the future and other things. When suddenly the police show up and ask to talk to Emma and I . We voluntarily talk to the police and they said "we've received an anonymous tip that you and miss Emma swan are having some sort of sexual relationship. We would like you to come with us, and we need your device to search for evidence."
I hand over my phone in bit of a panic but then I calm down "there is no evidence Miss swan never texted me and we haven't been exclusively dating at all." So the police search and they find nothing and they report back to the school that they had found nothing on me Or Emma. I get really happy and walk out dancing. This has been the best and worst day of my life, but it makes me think about my choices as an educator. Whatever is happening with me and Emma must come to an end. I finally come home and Emma shows up in a silk robe and lace bra I could see from the top window what was under neath because she was not discreet with it at all! I open the door thinking about ways to break up with her, and suddenly something Happens to make me think...

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