The Undoing

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Emma's POV*
I'm not tired....ya know what imma wake Regina up.  I walk in and give her a warm kiss "Reggie wake up!" "Put some clothes on and do not wear heels."
I leave the house leaving Regina to get ready and I start to walk down the street. I text Regina "get ready babe I'm going on a little walk I'll be back around 12:00 am." I then continue to walk down the street and I get a call it's a blocked number so I answer it. "Hey em it's Dorothy I'm really upset and I need some cheering up, mind coming over?" I start thinking about the consequences but then I think about the sex. The sex is way better than I could ever imagine.
"Sure I'll be there in a bit." I walk home start my car and drive to her house. I come to find the door open and the Dorothy runs out from the corner and closes it shut. "I want you. I want you. I need you." She then throws me against the wall and starts making out with me she gives me another hickey and then gives me hickeys all through out my stomach. She gets to my center and starts performing oral sex better than anyone's ever performed it. I start getting really into it and 3:00 am comes by in a instant. I get a call from Regina and answer it, she's very very angry and then says "did you really wake me up to go on a walk without me." I'm panting and sweating and she asked "why are you breathing so hard?"
"Baby I'm running I'll be home in 35 minutes."
I hang up and we go back to doing it. I finally finish run out the door leaving my bra behind. I get in my car and start speeding. I get home walk through the door and the Regina come from behind and picks me up, she kisses me and says "you didnt think you could just wake me up and leave did you?"
I say no and she carries me up the stairs, she pulls down my pants and my panties, she starts licking and she rubs her hands up my stomach to my chest. I'm getting really into it and she starts unbuttoning my shirt. One by one she finally takes it off to see 5 huge hickeys, and no bra on. She immediately pulls off me and angrily whispers "so you didn't just go on a walk , I could see you went other places."
I look at her and say "sorry Regina but could we please get back to having sex I was really enjoying it."
"Emma NO you cheated on me, again; you lied to me, again; you told me to love you, and I did, then you broke me AGAIN. God dam-it Emma when will you learn that your actions have consequences. I love you way to much and this hurts way to much. If you don't love me then just say so!."
I look down and my stomach and say sorry. She then said "I'm going to give you space. I'm so hurt it's no joke. I've been the best girlfriend/fiancé I could possibly be, I never once cheated on you even when I had the opportunity I didn't, I supported you throughout everything, I was the one giving you motivation to achieve your dreams, I was there hyping you up, I was the one listening to you complain about work, family, and other problems. We've been together for a very long time now and you made me believe we would be together forever and now you wanna hit me with cheating. I'm sorry but it's either you want me or you don't. There's no maybe. So when you figure everything out, you know where to find me, but In this short period of time I have left before getting ready for work I'm going to politely ask you to pack your things and move back in with your parents. Goodbye Emma swan. See you when you figure things out, in the meanwhile hand over the ring."
My heart shattered. I really broke Regina, I broke her bad and now there's nothing left for me to wonder about, nothing left for me love or hold or kiss. I broke Regina. And now I have to break my mom."
I grabbed all my things out of the dressers and I left with a suitcase filled with items. I get to my house and mom opens the door. "Hey my little fighter what are you doing home?"
"I missed you and also I did something very very horrible."
"I'm sure it wasn't all that bad."
"No mama it was, I cheated on her and on top of that I broke her."
"Ah baby I thought I taught you better, but we will talk about this when I get back from my 4th round of chemo"
Momma left the house leaving me to unpack my things and take my old room back. I closed the door and started crying, thinking about how I left Regina. And her big speech. My face went blank and I stayed in my room staring at the wall. Time goes by. I don't eat, drink, cry. I just sit and stare.

Finally the world goes dead and my emotions filled my body I grabbed my phone and proceeded to text Regina.
"Regina I'm sorry I know you don't want to be hearing from me right now but I need you. You made my day when it was bad. Your face made me smile even when you were mad. So please baby take me back."

She never texts me back..

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